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Everything posted by AceBoogie

  1. Having cap space does not equal wins or even free agents. Nobody's knocking down the door to play for the Panthers no matter how much cap we had and Gettleman is a big part of that. I told you guys the way he handled the Steve Smith drama will have an affect on our ability to sign free agents.
  2. Hurney is always going to be Gettleman's excuse. How many times do we have to hear "cap challenged" in his pressers? That's what rubs me the wrong way. Just do your job and stop making excuses. Gettleman actually walked into a pretty talented core of guys. He had a chance to build around Cam, he double dipped on DTs. He sent Nicks to Indy, who would have been a lot more productive here because he would have had an increased role. He got rid of Steve Smith a year early, and yes he is one of the reasons Gross decided to retire. We took a major step back last year and had no business being in the playoffs. We didn't just lose games last year, half the season we weren't even competitive
  3. Gettleman doesn't get a pass for me because the cap isn't ideal. What other GM in the NFL publicly complains about their capspace? Stop making excuses and do your job. That cap poo is his built in excuse while he learns how to be a GM. So what if we have $60 million in caproom if we're the Raiders
  4. No, he added some nice croutons to Hurneys salad and then thought he knew more than everybody else and we won the sorriest division competition. The actual TALENT on this team, the ones that keep us competitive, Cam, Luke, TD, Olsen, CJ, all Hurney guys. He's still riding Hurneys core players.
  5. Hurney is also the reason we're even competitive.
  6. I can make a strong case that 12-4 was more Hurney and Riverboat. 7-9 is what we can expect from a gettleman team. 7-9 should never win you a division title. Never.
  7. One day this fan base will wake up and realize how Dave Gettleman destroyed the panthers
  8. Our defense couldn't stop a cold in that playoff game
  9. It's called working the cap and not sitting back blaming your predecessor
  10. My god man please get your own brain. Fug Gettleman who would you pick?
  11. I'm mainly talking about JR not reaching out until weeks later. I honestly can't blame people for not going to the funeral, but if Deangelo feels like the team wasn't there for him I have to believe he is justified in feeling so. Some people just don't do funerals and I underatand that. I'll give you the perfect example, when I was 16 I was in the hospital with a life threatening situation. One of my bestfriends never came to the hospital because he didnt like hospitals, but when I got home he was by my side constantly. So I wouldn't ever say he wasn't there for me because he was. If deangelo says the team wasn't there for him, that means something to me. But like you said maybe his expectations were too high. The question is was it JR and the organization that set that standard and just didn't follow through? Wasn't it said that coach and GM attended CJ's grandmother funeral?
  12. I don't understand how easy you think you can put yourself in his shoes. You don't know his relationships with the team. If somebody close to you died there are certain people that you EXPECT to be there for you, period. And if they aren't no doubt you'd be disappointed. This situation is no different.
  13. You like it what way? You do realize that actual winning organizations behave with a since of class. Cutting Dwill is business. Not sending a representative or even reaching out until weeks later is classless. You said you guys didn't expect anything from her job, the fact that Deangelo did should tell you he was made feel that things were different. I expect certain people in my life to be there for me and others I don't. If I expect somebody to be there for me it's because they've given me reason to believe they would be.
  14. Sorry to here about your motherinlaw but in no way shape or form is it a comparable situation.
  15. So the people getting paid millions all of a sudden have trouble making it to Arkansas?
  16. Yea like he's going to make it up about his dead mother just for kicks.
  17. If a healthy Cam played against the bucs this year, those would have likely been 45-17 type wins.
  18. No No No, how soon we forget how everyone thought Shula being gone was the minimum. Gettleman wants this team to be build upon ancient philosophies.
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