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Everything posted by AceBoogie

  1. You're wrong, and nobody said spending spree. Moves can be made that aren't .
  2. I'm not sure if anyone told you, so does the other 31 teams. All making the playoffs did was cost us a pretty damn good draft pick. That's it. We barely beat a 3rd string QB.
  3. Come on we're all Panther fans here, no need to sugarcoat poo. We were 3-9 at one point last year. The division was only won because somebody had to win it. We got blown out by the Vikings. We were a bad football team last year.
  4. It's the same every year. I'm not expecting anymore solid contributions before the draft. I'll tell you exactly how the rest of the offseason will play out. We'll sign a few more guys that the "company men" will proclaim as saviors and the love fest will begin. Most of those same guys won't be on the roster by the end of the year. Different year same story.
  5. But who kept him and decided to put him at LT? Hmm
  6. Oher told you that it's better for the team if he's a RT. and our GM comes out and says he's the answer on the Left?? That's a joke of a GM for you. Continues to sign cheap cast offs and force them to be something their not.
  7. Cam has been in the league 5 years and the talent around him has declined every year. No excuse for that
  8. What?? Based on what? and if he has struggled to put it together then does it even matter?
  9. What you're missing is, they aren't trying to outsmart us. Yes sure they know more than us, but do they know more than the other 31 teams? Thats what counts
  10. You want Bersin being the primary option in a playoff game again? Because that's what you're saying
  11. It ain't about schemes, it's about El cheapo
  12. Cam is not resigning hear, if he was deal would have already been done. Everyone else his draft year has their deals.
  13. I couldn't make the playoff game, had to give my ticket up. How was it?
  14. We have to get better, other teams gain experience as well
  15. 12-4 yes. 7-9 is not a successful season, we got lucky. Would have lost to Arizona if they had at least their backup QB.
  16. Five months from now will be no different, we all know that. O wait maybe we can sign Avant and Underwood back. Remember the Avant is better than Lafell stupidity??
  17. Go get some vagina bruh and stay off my dick
  18. I was happy Marty got fired, it was time for a change. I just don't believe Gettleman is the change we needed.
  19. Hell it's easier to start on a crap roster
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