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Everything posted by AceBoogie

  1. So a guy is going to literally spend years training for a job and somehow he's not a "football guy" that makes no sense. I'll take a home grown successor over a guy with a little scouting experience. That's what you hire scouts for. If he's training for the job that makes him highly qualified.
  2. Ok that's what I wanted to know. I don't care who the WRs are. Just want the best group on game days.
  3. Are those first team snaps legitimate snaps, or evaluation snaps. Gettleman has said in order to properly evaluate a guy you have to put him with the first team. So are those snaps just to determine if he has a roster spot?
  4. There are lots of guys that worked hard that haven't gotten the opportunities that Bersin has. We aren't saying that Bersin hasn't worked hard. Bersin is the guy that gets the interview because of who he knows. Doesn't mean he isn't qualified for the position, but under most circumstances a player doesn't get to hang around that long.
  5. Luck, easy. I see Luck getting a 5 year 115 mil deal with 75 million guaranteed.
  6. Well guess its time to get my poo together, had a good run of infamy.
  7. ​Again my name was mentioned TWICE in this thread before I got out of bed.
  8. ​I was drug into it. My name was brought up twice before I even got out of bed. But guessing you didn't catch that. Don't like me block me. That simple, I can't say this enough. I don't even have to post and my name is still brought up. Stop hatin
  9. ​Wrong about what? Saying it was possible that Cam would leave? That was very possible.
  10. ​I probably didn't see your post, my apologies. And I'm talking quarterbacks. Starting QBs.
  11. So i constantly get accused of being a "Cam" fan. He gets extended and people think I'm actually upset about it? The guy who's avatar is Cam, is upset about him signing a long term deal? Right.
  12. ​That could be, but I'm think Gettleman opened up the wallet a little.
  13. Cam is like the last in his draft class to get extended and you people act like this hasn't been a slow process. But will be the same ones complaining when he gets paid 20mil+, that first interception is going to be fun.
  14. ​Because my world doesn't revolve around what people on here think?
  15. ​I agree. I think it's not smart on Cams part to sign this early, unless he got the money he wanted.
  16. This is basically an Aceboogie thread. Thanks. Anyone who thought there was never a possibility Cam would leave is just dumb. When Gettleman got his head out of his ass he paid up, simple as that.
  17. The key question is who caved. Cam had nothing to gain by signing this early after an off year.
  18. ​Steph has openly stated he would play in Charlotte. He's not a max guy in GS right now, and they have people to pay. Don't be shocked if it happens.
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