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Everything posted by AceBoogie

  1. Lance makes the most sense for this team. Come in and sit for a year. Then takeover for Teddy next year who we can release.
  2. Eh the Chiefs played down to their competition all year out of boredom.
  3. I think Lance needs to sit for a year, but to me he has probably the highest ceiling of what he could be. They do run a pro offense at his school tho which helps.
  4. I highly doubt he makes it to 8. I’d take him over Wilson tho in a heart beat.
  5. And what intangibles are those exactly?
  6. Shhhhh...you can’t talk like that around here lol.
  7. I’d say Lance is probably more ready and that sounds crazy since he didn’t play last year, but he pretty much ran a nfl system in college.
  8. Wilson is the 4th or 5th best QB in this draft.
  9. He got fired because his quarterback doesn’t like him. We wanted to lose because we don’t have a quarterback. See the difference?
  10. Yet Cam accounted for roughly the same amount of TDs per game as Stafford did last year with significantly less around him. But yea context doesn’t matter.
  11. What’s your thoughts on beating teams like Detroit late in the season and now they’re in better draft position with the potential to move even higher.
  12. It’s just a bandaid man. If we’re going to build a sustained winner here we have to stop trying to take short cuts. If there was a way to unload Teddy, get Stafford AND still draft a QB at 8, then I’d be on board.
  13. We won 5 games last year. You think Stafford gets you 5 games? Because I don’t.
  14. Marvin Jones JR (was good before Detroit) Kenny Golladay Golden Tate (was good before Detroit) Eric Ebron (had success after Detroit) The top two guys are still there. Golden Tate was a good #2 during his time there. And before that he had arguably the greatest WR of all time. Thats a hell of a lot better than who Cam was throwing the ball to most of his time here.
  15. Even if we were, do you think that’s something I’d tell you here? fug outta here lol.
  16. Not at all. Funny how players leave that offense and have success in other players. He’s a stat compiler, he’s not going to be the reason you win any games.
  17. New York City South Beach Charlotte One of these things ain’t like the others.
  18. Told y’all last week he didn’t want to play here. Y’all hard headed.
  19. He played with one of the best Wrs of all time. fug outta here.
  20. When have the lions ever been contenders? Signing Stafford gets you better stats than Teddy and maybe two more wins. That’s about it.
  21. Signing Stafford is a backwards move for this team. Don’t compound a Teddy mistake with another over the hill QB that has never won anything in his life.
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