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Everything posted by AceBoogie

  1. I’ve never seen a team that sold a rebuild so hard “can’t build a winner overnight” try so hard to win overnight. Makes me think they’re just flying off the cuff with no real long term plan on how to build this team. Teddy didn’t make sense here and neither does Stafford.
  2. I don’t judge players based on “highlights” played one decent team and lost to them and he was meh in that game. I’m not saying Wilson can’t be good but let’s stop pretending he’s a sure fire pick.
  3. I mean Wilson only has one good year against trash covid talent but suddenly people think he’s the 2nd best qb in the draft. Lance will be fine.
  4. Matt has had more than Cam in his career and he went to the super bowl with a MVP. He’s always had a solid #1 and legit #2. Just hasn’t gotten it done. They’ve changed everything in that franchise except Matt, he deserves some of that blame.
  5. You think that a 33 year old NFL Quarterback has the power to request a trade but not to have input on where he’s moving his family to? Yea sure.
  6. He does have the leverage of he’s been the face of their franchise for a decade he’s not just going to allow them ship him anywhere. I’m sure that was part of the trade request discussion. I know we treat or great players like trash here on the way out but that’s not most teams.
  7. He has that now lol. Y’all need to stop with the “he’s been on bad teams his whole career crap” he’s always had decent options to throw the ball too, ALWAYS. He’s just never gotten it down. He’s Jay Cutler that cares about football a little more.
  8. Have you met him? Know anything about him? Just curious Because the one thing I can tell you 100% is that he values his relationship with Cam, someone he’s known and looked up to since he was a kid. Its not that he absolutely wouldn’t come here, it’s more so why would he? He can pretty much pick his next team without any negative marks associated with that team. In other words if everything else was equal that’s absolutely a thing that could tip the scale and I know that for a fact.
  9. It’s not biased. It’s knowledge of the situation.
  10. And was putting together another MVP season before TJ Watt wrecked his shoulder. Thanks for proving my point.
  11. Eh he didn’t outplay Cam. Cam accounted for more TDs in less games even with catching Covid and Byrd as his #1 WR. Had he had DJ, Robby, and Curtis Samuel, numbers would have even been close.
  12. Look I wasn’t against going into the year with Will as the starter. I personally believe we should have let Cam play out his contract, but wouldn’t have been mad if we just rolled with Will.
  13. Look I’m not in NFL front offices. I don’t know if a QB will fall to 8 or not. I’m saying we should do our research on each of the top 4 (minus Trevor), go through the scenarios and internal mock drafts and see if we have a realistic chance of getting the guy(s) we like. If we do then you sit at 8 and take the best one available assuming you like them all. If you believe they aren’t going to be there you absolutely move up to take them. It will still cost less than Watson and possibly Stafford. To be clear here I don’t think we have a realistic chance of getting Watson so I’m not even considering that possibility. But hell no to Stafford.
  14. I mean like I’ve said before you trade whatever you need to get him. But I still don’t believe we would be a preferred destination for him knowing what I know. I could be wrong, but I think its as it’s been reported: He wants to go to New York or Miami and it wouldn’t shock me if he stayed in Houston if he can’t get his preferred destination. Wouldn’t that suck for Houston sports? Losing their two best athletes to New York.
  15. According to Dan Graziano of Espn 4. Panthers sign QB Teddy Bridgewater. Nothing Surprising here, most of said this was a bad move going into it. A few notes from the article: ”Panthers paid Bridgewater $24 million in 2020 and $10 million of his $17 million 2021 salary is fully guaranteed.” “The Panthers could have kept Cam Newton for $19.1 million, probably not done a whole lot worse than they did, and also not be on the hook for another $10 million in 2021.” These are the type of dumb decisions that a rebuilding franchise can’t continue to make. Let’s do what we have to do to land one of the big 4 QBs in the draft and not go chasing other veteran QBs that don’t fit into this rebuild. Time for Rhule and Brady to start fresh and get the guy that will define their tenure here. Ron can walk away saying he won multiple division titles, a NFC championship, a Super Bowl appearance, and Head Coach of the year because he had Cam. No more bad decisions at that position please.
  16. Now post his record vs winning teams.
  17. And what does 9-7 get you? Outside of the playoffs still needing a QB. No thank you.
  18. A lot of people say Luck. Allen is a good comparison. He’s probably somewhere between those two
  19. No but really...we didn’t fit into the story line those years.
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