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Everything posted by AceBoogie

  1. Your data is wrong. https://www.google.com/amp/s/fanbuzz.com/nfl/highest-paid-backup-qbs/amp/ Find the black guy
  2. I could be wrong here. But I don’t think Hurney was the one that wanted Teddy as much as the coaching staff did. Hurney is gone because he’s trash and he’s always been trash.
  3. There’s plenty of white QBs you can name that are sorry and have received fairly decent size contracts. You can’t name any black QBs that are legit sorry and have been paid handsomely to sit on the bench.
  4. Brisset signed his contract as a starter and became a backup. I’m talking about backup QBs receiving big deals to be backups.
  5. I can tell you that Colt McCoy had a higher base salary than Cam Newton last year and that none of the Top 10 paid backup QBs were black. A lot of QBs on that list not better than Jameis.
  6. Key word there is star. That’s because that’s what colleges are producing so teams don’t have a choice. But you don’t see black QBs in backup positions getting paid like Mike Glennon. We can take this somewhere else if you want to continue. Don’t want the mods in here on me.
  7. I’ve told you what I know lol, make your own conclusions based on that.
  8. It means that black QBs typically don’t get paid for being awful. They don’t get legit second chances. They certainly don’t get the type of contract he received with his resume. Just like in life, in the NFL, black QBs have to be really good to get those Goff contracts. Look at what Cam had to settle for last year. Not race baiting, he asked and I answered.
  9. We just don’t think Stafford is an elite QB. He’s been a very good QB unable to carry bad teams. Like it or not we are a bad team and bringing him here only meant worse draft position and mediocrity. The Rams are in a better position to capitalize on a QB like Stafford right now. We aren’t. It’s that simple.
  10. Has served me pretty well so far. Rather be under qualified than over qualified.
  11. If I weren’t here who would bring the other side of the argument
  12. This. Teddy isn’t playing for legacy at this point. He got more money than he deserved as a black QB. That never happens. He won the game.
  13. Eh not really. What makes it hard is when you have an owner who knows nothing hiring coaches that know nothing. Never thought Rhule deserved the job. Didn’t do poo in college. Now you put him in charge of personnel and he seems desperate rather than calculated. Overcorrection never works.
  14. I’m about another Teddy/Stafford decision away from sitting this regime out and coming back in a few years after everyone is fired again.
  15. It absolutely mattered where Stafford preferred hence he got exactly what he wanted.
  16. Again stuff like this makes you have to reevaluate the Cam Newton legacy, carried a franchise nobody even wants to play for and we tossed him aside like garbage. Andrew Luck Deshaun Watson Matthew Stafford All QBs that don’t/didn’t want to play here. Tepper needs to change the perception of this franchise. I’ve said for a long time that the only thing that kept us from being the Browns was having Cam. Hard for fans here to realize but we aren’t viewed as a great place to play especially knee deep in a rebuild. Stafford knew like I’ve been telling y’all he only gets us to 8-8 and that’s a waste of time and money for all parties.
  17. The last regime failed Cam. Should have won a Super Bowl here. You don’t make deals thinking you can’t effectively build plans around them.
  18. People have been wondering that for a while. People have met me here. I’m not Cam, but do have reasons outside of the Panthers to be biased when it comes to him.
  19. You think that we’re that much better than the Lions that Stafford makes us a winner? We’re not. Signing Stafford gets you in the 8-8 range with this team. And what does that get you? QB purgatory. We gotta be patient and stay the course. We cannot compound the Teddy mistake.
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