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Everything posted by AceBoogie

  1. They once drafted a guy over the goat and a future hall of famer.
  2. Bryce Young is the best QB in this draft by a mile, with Stroud being a really good second option. Richardson I wouldn't touch in the first round and Levis I wouldn't touch at all. Hooker will be a solid QB in the NFL but never great.
  3. Every year a guy that looks like Levis rises to the top of the draft board. Better ask the Jets and Bears how that works out.
  4. Go watch Levis from last year.
  5. Please tell me this ain’t true. Levis is not good.
  6. I was referencing the injury history and not the contract. Seems like CMC didn’t have a problem getting on the field when having something to play for. Lamar can deny it all he wants but he plays at the end of last year if he were under contract.
  7. So did CMC and we saw how that played out as soon as he got to a different team. The Ravens have a lot going on in their organization and it’s not good. You should read up on it. I’d take Lamar over Aaron Rodgers, Derek Carr, and Geno Smith.
  8. There are two no doubt QBs. Just because you refuse to believe that doesn’t mean they aren’t there.
  9. Who the fug cares. Cam was a giant and injuries ended his career. If he’s getting the ball out fast and he’s not taking hits then who the fug cares. A whole lot of 6’3 busts out there.
  10. You underestimate the stupidity of fans.
  11. He’s a lot better. Shouldn’t even be mentioned in the same sentence.
  12. Two “mobile” QBs at the same time? Charlotte would riot.
  13. There goes that label again. We can agree to disagree. It’s pretty clear who was right.
  14. Richardson is not Hurts. Hurts was actually a good QB in college with a label placed on him. He was good enough to be a top 5 pick.
  15. Race is always a factor. Don’t be naive. There’s a reason unconscious bias training exists. If the excuse is purely philosophy then don’t interview Wilks at all. Tell him you thank him for fuging us out of a draft pick and that you’ll be moving on to other candidates.
  16. Projecting what exactly? Because I’m calling out that Tepper by definition is most likely a racist. He was a kid in the civil rights era. His parents were most likely racist and most likely raised him to be the same. It’s just not popular to be a racist anymore so people had to adjust their behavior, but don’t forget that wasn’t too long ago.
  17. Then why interview him twice? To make it appear he had a legit shot? If that was never the type of coach he wanted he shouldn’t have even been interviewed.
  18. See how can say that Frank is qualified to be the head coach, without dismissing the fact that if Wilks was a white man he most likely would have gotten the job. Tepper already proved by his own admission that he hired Rhule because he reminds him of himself. They already showed they weren’t exactly following the diversity training implemented because most of y’all racist as hell and don’t know it. Tepper has certain biases and I’m sure he found Frank more relatable. It was a good hire, but don’t come at me with Wilks doesn’t have a gripe. He does. And if you don’t think so then I suggest you find a minority to explain it to you.
  19. So you going to go the “bargain” route? Sounds familiar.
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