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Everything posted by AceBoogie

  1. Well that’s the last time he played with real talent
  2. I think that would maximize his potential, but if you just dropped Diggs into this offense my guess is that it looks different
  3. I’ve seen his guys make plays that aren’t being made here.
  4. I’d argue all QBs need weapons. Tua did, Josh Allen did, Herbert walked into weapons. Who’s the QB that’s making it work without a star WR?
  5. With him playing against one of his best friends that has had more success than he has so far, no doubt he’s going to want this one bad. But so will CJ
  6. Statically the Seahawks have a bottom 5 pass defense. Vikings are actually middle of the pack.
  7. Lol man I’m not touching that one. That argument puts me in waters I’d prefer not to be in.
  8. My only counter is that Bryce has yet to play a defense as bad as that Seahawks secondary
  9. To me it’s just all a timing issue. Every deep throw has been him overthrowing guys. Some have been straight missed by him, some have been pass interference that hasn’t been called, and some have been poor protection. The problem is that we just haven’t had a lot of opportunities to throw it deep so every miss gets out under a microscope
  10. I don’t think one deep pass is going to make you a believer
  11. He hasn’t been accurate deep. That’s a different conversation from him not being able to do it. I’d rather him overthrow WRs than to be leaving the ball short. It’ll come.
  12. Win out?? Are you kidding me? I just hope we can win a game. Don’t talk to me about winning out.
  13. Or the fact that he said Bryce has been living in the bottom 5. That wasn’t true then and damn sure not true of last week. Ask yourself why some here are such in a rush to post negative poo about “OUR” QB, but hide when the narrative doesn’t fit.
  14. No, we just don’t understand why you choose to nitpick our starting QB when he’s showing the flashes you claim to want. We can take fair and reasonable criticism, you just don’t seem to be capable of that. Maybe you need to create a Bryce vent thread for you and your buddies.
  15. @Sean Payton's Vicodin how Bryce finish this week bro? Asking for a friend
  16. Ehhh he’s never going to see that money. For what he spent on the team, it’s a toy.
  17. As much as we give him poo, if you were the owner would you be completely hands off? You don’t pay billions for a team to have a suite.
  18. Remember when Smitty got hurt early in Cam’s career and we struggled to get a first down. I’d imagine it would be worse than that.
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