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Moose Hoover

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Everything posted by Moose Hoover

  1. lol, jayz had to to a bunch of butt stuff to get where he got.
  2. There are 3 main types of insufferable people in this world (4 if you count crossfit): -Adopt Don't Shop -Vegans -Government bootlickers
  3. it's like asking Jonathan his opinion on zombie face paint but he is an expert on liking turtles.
  4. hmmm...what would the breakfast been had he gotten breakfast? That is the most important key to understanding this scenario.
  5. losing all your money in online poker is a gateway to losing all your money in dfs is a gateway to losing all your money buying jpegs of apes
  6. Cam Newton Player Coach. I'm being facetious, but what if some owner just fired all his coaches and told his QB to just run playground plays and come up with shiz on the fly.
  7. What is with the long fugging sweaters man...I'm not a fan of the look but all of them be doing it now.
  8. MoonCats. Buy a bunch of MoonCats. Flip the MoonCats to fill your Zed stables. Sell the mudders. Convert ETH to DOGE. Wait 2 days. Tweet about it. It doesn't count if you don't tweet about it. Convert DOGE to Dongs. Tell everybody you moved to Thailand. Hand deliver your dong to the ladies. Profit.
  9. Best is Oozing Scab Picker by Perverted Shirley
  10. Santa's Decrepit Corpse by Perverted Shirley
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