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Everything posted by Alemanders

  1. i think i just disagree with how something like winning gets taken. Do you want to convince an absolute loser of a team they good, or remind a good team in a bad situation that they are good.
  2. ah poo didnt actually factor tepper in. maybe hes a wild card, and will change this offseason...... maybe?
  3. My entire arguement is the understanding of that point. Im talking about the actual people and the mentality that that logic implements. You dont lose out to get better picks because its humans you are dealing with. the browns are the best example of this. they suck every year for a qb and never got it right, while tanking every year.
  4. im down for pj/baker/matt next year. We made our pick and never got to develop it. Im pretty ignorant in current college qbs, but has anyone flashed so far?
  5. enjoy it quick before others tell you you shouldnt.
  6. I might be an idiot but i just cant wrap my brain around losing and thinking its a good thing.
  7. I cheer for wins with those that dont consider it meaningless for. The team that went out and won the game today is going to be here next year. And to assume tanking doesnt take a toll on the roster that we currently have is ridiculous. Im of the assumption that a coach would benefit more from a winning mindset of a mediocre team, than a downtrodden team. You also label this as meaningless. Its meaningless to you, as an observer, but do you genuinely thing its meaningless to the players that just played?
  8. Hate this opinion all you want Winning when we're not suppose to does so much more for us than laying down and taking it. These are 53 mofos who signed up to win and will put the effort in win or loss. Youre a bitch team as soon as you want them to lose.
  9. Idk that is just the most pathetic excuse to not play well. If you genuinely suck to to be compensated to get better that's one thing. I just don't subscribe to this idea that every individual in the organization needs to purposely lose for the betterment of the franchise. I'd rather these individuals play their ass off so that when we bring in someone, he walks into a winning org. I
  10. Damn they should have just drafted a qb this whole time to be good Oh wait
  11. You folks who are die hard tankers are literally nobody I would want in a time of hardship. You sound absolutely bitch made and not reliable.
  12. Enjoy pretending the only thing a team can do is being the literal worst as if it helps the teams mentality in the future lol You want the team to embrace a losers mentality in hopes that unproven college qbs can fix it lol Guess what, bringing in a qb with a pussified loser mentality that you want won't fix poo
  13. I'll enjoy rooting for my team. Hope you enjoy wanting a loss....
  14. I'll genuinely have more fun rooting for the panthers than you will have rooting against them.
  15. I genuinely wish I understood the tank loser mentality. How does a winning mindset cultivate in a program that pretends "suck in the short term so we are better later". That's such bullshit. As soon as you are OK with sucking for an unknown future, you show a strange character trait.
  16. Kc got hand held for those 2 points cmon. League couldn't let that happen
  17. Good job on feeding the the 2 points to win refs. This league is trash
  18. God he's moving around like it's college
  19. Refs packaged this one up beautifully. Keep calling penalties until it makes sense for kc
  20. Fug this go titans. That was bullshit
  21. Lol ripping off helmets isn't a penalty anymore?
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