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Everything posted by Alemanders

  1. Do we get to bring back calling them F-150s?
  2. Bro luke literally cried on live TV. Get outta here with this "alpha" poo.
  3. I pood Bridgwater last year, but he's pitching a shutout against Dallas. Smh
  4. No doubt, I just think for Cam, you can't be choosy on who signs you, especially halfway through the season and no one's knocked on his door.
  5. So a guy knows a guy said Cam would risk never playing football again outbof spite. Sounds legit.
  6. He played well enough last year to play the rest of the season over sam Full stop
  7. So you've been talking out of your ass this whole time. I'd rather not go on your *gut" feelings on a player that couldn't make the jaguars. Yet somehow you think Cam has 0 chance of doing something better than Sam rn. Hmmmm
  8. Cam can absolutely start over sam you dipshit. You saying otherwise is either trolling, or you being a genuine moron. Honestly, maybe even something worse.
  9. This dude really trying his hardest do defend sam over cam. It's hilarious. And another int lol gtfo here dude, bring in cam
  10. Lol that is absolutely bullshit. Just say you don't like Cam, you don't have to make poo up
  11. People who are arguing against cam coming back, yall know you're saying you want to keep sam in? Which is it?
  12. Yeah let's keep going with this trash on the field instead lol
  13. Jfc just sign cam back, atleast we can have some fun. This sh it is unwatchable
  14. I'm so glad I have to get on a plane in a few minutes. Sick of watching this dogshi t
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