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  1. So pumped for Sunday. Having a great OL is a weird feeling.
  2. Literally got him in the 7th round essentially this year. Beautiful.
  3. do you guys honestly think the refs are anti panthers? the bitching about it gets so tiresome.
  4. If it's not a 1st round QB don't touch one. Build the roster.
  5. Fowler is well linked in the building and is anti Tepper. He would not just say this.
  6. Just because he is not TD or Luke does not mean he is not a good player. Severely underappreciated by this fanbase.
  7. Scott Fowler (at 17:39): "I will tell you that Frank Reich was locked in on Bryce. And people who say, "No, he wanted C.J. Stroud, and Tepper forced him on him." Thats not true."
  8. They would have coverted a 4th and 1 anyway on this D everyone chill tf out
  9. Frank Reich is a bad HC. Was in Indy. And was here. Bryce is a bust. Both things can be true. Move on.
  10. Andy Dalton being 3-0 against the Raiders means nothing. I don't give a poo how he fared against the 2012 Raiders defense.
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