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Everything posted by Byrdman4real

  1. Loving this win, fug the falcons
  2. It's raining and yall playing for a field goal.
  3. Some of yall completely ignore the positive plays just to talk poo about the negative ones. Plus the conditions they playing in is horrible.
  4. You would have a chance to say that if the flag didnt stop the play.
  5. I really don't think they practice deep balls. I really don't think they practice in game situations also, because the decision making is complete trash. Bad timing plays, bad route concepts, bad blocking assignments, no creativity, no play calling to setup defensive bus plays, no end-around, no come-backs. This scheme is trash, coaching trash, players trash, front office trash.
  6. This is what people are ignoring because they would rather poo talk on Bryce
  7. I have seen a good amount. The problem is what is people expecting bryce to do sometimes, create separation for his WRs too.
  8. They can't say poo because they route running is pathetic and can't catch a cold.
  9. What's crazy is the head coaching decision to go for it on your own 20 is making the defense look bad
  10. The goalline and 4th down play calling is complete ass
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