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Everything posted by h0llywood

  1. I've seen plenty people do this.
  2. She mustve left her toy somewhere
  3. Off to find the rest of the set of photos lol
  4. LOL no seriously if it is I wanna send you some diapers and formula
  5. You guys all seem happy with the time spent at the gym or working out. I have 2 gym memberships and have stepped foot in 1 of them in the last year. Since I've been home the last 4 years I've gained 10 lbs a year sitting behind a desk. Depressing. /rant over
  6. Going through this thread is pretty damn depressing :-/
  7. I got scared because this is a few miles from me. What is this btw?
  8. Someone has to drive the bang bus.
  9. The tweets between you and biscuit are envious to say the least
  10. just had a mini twitter convo with Steve Smith. Cool cool man. I asked him who his favorite WR's of all time were and he replied back with some old school dudes. However, he deleted his tweet so I'm guessing he doesn't want his answers to come out?
  11. @johnb_lives don't mind the porn stars and hot chicks that I follow
  12. Well... there goes the thread. I'll come back when there less men
  13. Mario franchise is the franchise of all franchises due to its impact on the gaming industry. Zelda is my favorite franchise (most specifically Ocarina of Time). However, Halo and COD are the franchises of today.
  14. Apparently Poor Pussy was a game that originated in the 20's http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poor_Pussy http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/16599?msg=welcome_stranger
  15. Children's Games found in books:
  16. Alright Cam you have 1 1/2 quarters to settle down. Hit the receivers and let's go down the damn field
  17. I've been nervous and my blood pressure has risen the last hour and I'm not even playing the game. I hope the boys get those butterflies out and play like they have the Giants or Rams in front of them
  18. A good coach doesn't need to have this as motivation to begin with. Coach your ass off or gtfo
  19. Give em hell boys! May the football gods shine down upon us and finally release the 5 year curse.
  20. 6am here in West Coast and I wanted to give some good Juju to the team this morning.
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