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  1. I’m out. Didn’t sign my club renewal term and sold my PSL’s for almost nothing. Several of my friends did the same. We all declined to sign the club renewal term. It was tough for me to do that but I cannot justify spending $1K per game with what Tepper has done to this organization. I don’t mind bad play but what’s happened to the stadium (food, service, etc.) and team decision making is just beyond repairable. There is no value in attending a panthers game for me anymore. I grew up in Charlotte and attended almost every game with my dad who still has his 500 section seats to this day. Purchased my own club PSL’s over a decade ago.
  2. You must sit near me. I’m in 339 Row 18. Been there for many years.
  3. It is a great feature included with PSL’s for sure. I watch every game on the condensed version the following week.
  4. I did not get it this year so I emailed the PSL contact and they sent me the code.
  5. Lol that is me in the bottom left of the pic. Don’t come on here much but just randomly ran across this. We have the four seats from the left of where I’m sitting. See ya Sunday! Trevor
  6. Dad bought PSL's when they were announced. We didn't even get to pick the row or seat, it was on a random lottery system. He just chose the section. I was 14 then. Haven't missed many games since then. Bleed Black and Blue in my house!!!
  7. Great point. The more they connect, the more completions they make, the confidence and deep threat just builds and builds. Cam's last post game presser he mentioned "he thought he overthrew him". That made me think for a minute. Crazy that Ginn is that fast.
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