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French Navy

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  1. Ed Dickson 2nd best eh? Noted and hopefully a trend.
  2. I remember Fozzy de cleating Chandler Jones on a block in the Patriots game. There are worse things than him being on the team over Wegher. It's a great problem to have - not worth too much worry. The offensive line should get more for the credit for our backs blowing up in preseason.
  3. https://www.reddit.com/r/nflstreams/comments/3jjo6h/game_thread_carolina_panthers_vs_pittsburgh/
  4. Even the Pittsburgh broadcast is talking about Bryant getting lit the fug up by Mayo
  5. We don't have a single guy besides Olsen who can catch the ball reliably in the endzone. fug
  7. lol @ 1:12 - the chick that kept wanting to brawl gets a bottle of liquor poured on her. e: maybe right after she gets hit with said bottle, actually
  8. ​ He also punched someone in a game and got ejected. Making his mark as our 3rd TE.
  9. Wow, we seem to be in excellent shape at RB this year, even with the 1+ games that Stew is going to miss with some rando injury.
  10. Well, I'm thinking there is more past "he struck is head on a kitchen counter" like, had to go to the ER to get his head patched up.
  11. Trai loves that twitter handle though, he retweets it like 2-3 times a day. SMOKESCREEN
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