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About JccOldTime23

  • Birthday 07/03/1986

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  1. Yes, number 6. I don’t think he’s been in yet.
  2. I think it was during the '91-'92 season. We were playing the New Jersey Nets. I was only 5 or 6 years old, so the only thing I really remember is that Kendall Gill sprained his ankle during the game.
  3. How many seasons in a row does Ron have to learn to not be conservative?
  4. While I'm not interested in having a blog myself I am interested in reading blogs by some of the more intelligent posters here.
  5. I don't think he's soft or lazy. I just don't think his body can handle an NFL beating anymore. He's always injured. Even his first few seasons when he played every game he was always hurt. I hope he holds up because when healthy he's a beast.
  6. I had so much fun watching him get his ass kicked.
  7. I'll be 29 this coming July and the Panthers are the only team I've ever claimed. I was born in Presbyterian Hospital in 1986 and my parents had a house off Johnston Rd (before it extended all the way to Ballantyne). Before the Panthers the only team I was into was the Charlotte Hornets. My dad grew up a Falcons fan. I watched the 49ers/Chargers super bowl before our first season. My dad pulled for the 9ers so I did too.
  8. I know it's been said earlier in the thread but this really should be an article on the front page.
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