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Everything posted by NCBlu

  1. Still limited but played a lot better. Went from should be out of NFL to backup/PS lvl. Keep improving and may make spot starter lvl. Just looking like you belong in the NFL is a start though...
  2. I wouldn't have taken Young or Williams #1 I called both bust waiting to happen. Young was just too small, Williams paints his nails and cry's to his mommy when he loses a game. Just didn't think ether had the mental side down with both never facing much adversity till the NFL.. #1 pick will always go to a bad team.
  3. Young's feet are still all over the place and also still tip toeing it just not as bad as before. He does this little hop so quickly but it is still there..
  4. A win is a win that's a win At least the young guys getting some run...
  5. You can only go by what someone says. He said it NO ONE made anything up. If anything the one who keep say of course he did the this and that are the ones with no proof, games 1 and 2 sure looked like he did nothing in the off-season. But of course don't believe your lying eyes... lol
  6. Really wish he would have got a fair shot under Rhule at LT. Could have saved a top 10 pick later.
  7. Never got all the talk about how bad Pitt QBs are and he was not happy, like do you not know who Carolina QB is ... lol There was no way in hell he was going to be happy with Young at QB....
  8. Tepper got what he wanted HC (OFF guy) QB (told young at the SB he liked him) 3-4 D( Pitt south) He wanted to put his stamp on the team, well here it is... The winningest coach under Tepper Wilks was tossed also traded picks for Dornald only to not give him a chance to earn the 5th yr op that they gave him. Wilks, Sam combo would look a lot better then anything they have put on the field. Would also have way more high picks...
  9. After not giving EE the HC job they should have let him walk. He had other DC offers he was looking to take .. That's on Tepper who didn't learn after the OL coach debacle from last season..
  10. I never understood let's trade our good player for a CHANCE to draft a good player... Just keep your good guys and add more when your pick come up you can find good player in all rnds in the draft. Good scouting helps of course...
  11. Would you want to stay after drafting Young #1 knowing we stuck with him for a few yrs? The Panthers got way worse after picking young #1 best believe the players in the locker room can tell if a guy got it or not.. Washington winning games the Panthers not so much.
  12. I really don't like this guy, ppl he likes he will over look flaws then theres AT ... lol
  13. Williams looking like a slightly bigger Young but do have a arm. Bails on clean pockets and coming out his big skill set is making plays off script. In a league where u need to make plays from the pocket. Washington looks to have a good one, when QBs are picked 1 and 2 there is most times only 1 that pans out.
  14. Ppl really need to start putting some respect on Hubbard's name he gets way to much hate around here. I seen a very quick to hit holes and burst I didn't know he had. He plays all out every play
  15. MC was not give a chance here so we don't know how good or bad he was. But I bet we would have been no worse then Young's 2-14. We traded the farm for a guy on the same lvl or worse than a 3rd round pick.. So we are in no spot to talk bad QBs....
  16. He has not been here long to know the fans, but all that came after enough was enough. Put some good on the field and fans will be there. Also helps if Young never sees the field again...
  17. Thk you red rifle/rocket what ever!!! Looked like a NFL QB
  18. He can take his slow super deep walk back and bunny hop somewhere else.. If you can get anything you strike while the iron is hot and move on.. If braking up with your girl or getting a chance to sit and learn got you talking about your open to a trade then I don't want you on my team. I want someone willing to fight and prove the haters WRONG that's what a tru competitor would do. Just another of the lies told about the kid coming out of bama..
  19. Like the 4th Q pick the LAC dropped could have EZ been 2 picks this game.
  20. It's almost like he is the opposite of everything that was said leading up to the draft... It's weird
  21. Do you really think guys like him if he is getting the kid glove treatment and didn't have to earn a thing? Also costing OFF guys money on there contact or a chance to even look good. To me he comes off fake, as long as things going good he is happy go lucky but when things go bad you see the other side and the IDC comes out. To me that's not "a good guy" I think back to a interview last season with Luvu and Young walked up and all he could say was look at him he smooth but the way he said it was kinda in a back handed way to me. I have not seen smooth, charisma, or anything close to it with Young. I just don't see how the smallest, soft spoken guy in the room can be the leader of men.
  22. Baker, Sam, CJ, AR all looked better then Young by a mile ...
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