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  1. Agree. Take best available and draft a QB next year
  2. Absolutely. The D is gonna be good again finally. We may only get that much, but that much wins games.
  3. We likely end of with one of those. I really like your top 2
  4. It does make a difference. But we are the Panthers so I default to worst case scenario automatically
  5. Ever. Likely done. End of the day this is a deep RB draft so pick up one late
  6. I'm good with spending high round picks on them if the roster is in decent shape. The like or scrimmage is the key to football. Win both sides most of the time and win a lot.
  7. Hard to say how many would be interested in a trade. You may be right he has value to add to an NFL team. That's doesn't mean he has value as a franchise QB.
  8. Because there still seems an expert/media class who believe he can be the guy. Lots on NFL talking heads want to be correct about BY.
  9. and I hope he does show improvement so someone will trade for him. He's not the answer
  10. We should target OL help every draft and no lower than the 5th round. Good ones are gone by then
  11. Need a rim protector desperately and Williams is trending bust
  12. Agree. We are not a QB away. I suspect we are picking top 5 in 2026 no matter what we do.
  13. Anyone think BY can throw for 100 yards in this game?
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