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Everything posted by iamhubby1

  1. Not sure why everyone is so up in arms. He is one voice out of hundreds. If you look at his game film. He hits those throws well. That is not a part of his game i am worried about.
  2. Yuppers. Now if he had said WR, or DT, or heck even TE, or DE I might agree with needing some depth. But RB?
  3. They were in QB purgatory for a long time there. Then hit lightning in a bottle. And if Hurts doesn't improve. They might be right back at it. I had an uncle who was an Eagles fan before he moved to Mich. He went from the Eagle to the Lions. Fortunately, the LIons had Stafford for a decade. So we had that goin for us.
  4. So...RBs are a dime a dozen. Got it.
  5. Who cares. Nobody starts more ex player threads than our own historian.
  6. This is the correct answer. @CRA just found something new to complain about. He is so far down the rabbit hole, he may never see daylight again.
  7. The Huddle has said, YOU have said "Productive RBs are a dime a dozen". So why now are we all of a sudden worried about the RB position? Stupid question right? We aren't worried about the RB position. It's just another attempt to rile up the troops. Negativity is the way.
  8. If he can get the Playbook down. I don't believe they will be able to ignore him.
  9. Ya, insulting a guys manhood. That's always funny. Maybe next time use an lol. I mean, if it was supposed to be funny and all. You used a lol when you told me to poo off. Now that was funny.
  10. lol Nice deflect. You got some high level self importance going on there. I mean, if you are judge and jury on who deserves insults. Do I bow, or take a knee? Damm man, you sure fell far You know the kind of folks that use insults don't cha. Bullies. I'm starting to see that. You are one sneaky lil devil. If you need to insult. You may need to step back.
  11. No, it doesn't take brains to crap on someone. But it takes talent to come up with some of the doozies we saw in this thread. Though you sure made sure you got that insult in there, didn't cha?
  12. The creativity of the mental gymnastics some of you use to crap on Rhule is truly astounding. It's like palates for the brain. I tell ya what.
  13. I don't know about you? But that was rather cathartic for me.
  14. You do know the only one hurling insults. It's on the tip of my brain. Oh how the mighty have fallen
  15. 1. It is also factual that our D was rated top 5. So you just nit pick what stats you like. 2. Not even sure what that second one even means. Every team endures roster turnover. Every team hopes their youngsters step up. This is not just a Panther problem. 3. So you nit pick my wording to say the same thing you did in paragraph one? Cool. lol I see a brighter tomorrow. You see doom and gloom. You are starting to be redundant. You nitpick stats, and words, and your use of absolutes is infuriating. You repeat yourself ad nauseam. And quite frankly. I am tired of your negativity. So bye bye birdy
  16. Teddy didn't work, Rhule brought in Sam. Sam didn't work, he brought in Corral. Seems like he is trying to find his QB Offense struggled last year. Rhule brought in well respected seasoned coaches. Drafted a stud LT, and maybe our QB of the future. Seems like he is trying to get better on O. On a D that was rated well, but struggled. He brought in Vet Coaches to assist in the growth. Seems like he is trying to get better. Brought in a respected ST Coach. Seems like an improvement. Seems like we have a coach who is not afraid of trying to improve. But I'm not all gloom and doom. So maybe it's just me?
  17. You can spin it any way you wish. Which is what you do best. Deflect, then throw a bunch of crap, while trying to sound like Yoda. It still remains that our Defense was much improved. And with out having Horn to boot. There is turnover on every roster. Don't make it an our roster only thing. You must quit speaking in absolutes. Your hatred is strong. See what I did there?
  18. You sure do throw a lot of insults around nowadays. Maybe all this negativity has gotten to you?
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