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Everything posted by iamhubby1

  1. That's a lot of big words there, and we but humble Huddlers. So in your not so humbe opinion. Take this with a grain of salt? A novel thought indeed. No wait, I can do better. Cool story bro. Oh wait, I got another one. Somebody just got out of their InterCultural Communitcation Class didn't they?
  2. You folks do realize that is from Josina Anderson. Not Robbie. Right??? lol
  3. Well, where did I get my number from? Sorry about that one. My bad
  4. We got Donte for about 8mil a year, for 3 years. Gilmore was about 12mil a year, for 2 years. We got a better deal on that one. Also, what makes you say Donte won't see his 3rd year?
  5. It's your MO. Well, that and lame azz snark. But you do stay in your lane.
  6. That 1st one was almost like a franchise turning game. After that game, they pretty much knew they could compete with anyone. We have dang near owned Seattle since. lol
  7. See, I don't get this. Why does the owner need to talk? He has guys for that. Nothing good can come from him talking. Like you said: "No matter what he says, he's gonna get criticized."
  8. 2 years ago Donte was still immature. Last year Rhule specifically called him out over how much he had grown. He was coachable, he didn't sulk, and he was willing to help the younger guys. He absolutely had his best year, and he did it while playing hurt most of the year. Donte absolutely was a leader in the Secondary last year. I stand by my statement that this ain't "Your daddy's Pantherz". And if we could somehow find a Franchise QB? There's a good chance we could be pretty good.
  9. Ironically, folks on here for years complained that all Cam did was sit on the sidelines with a towel over his head. Just shows how really disconnected this place truly is.
  10. Exactly. But this fact will be glossed over because it doesn't fit the narrative.
  11. And once again, you have taken that huge brain of yours, and totally missed the spot. But thanks for your input. You and others love to throw that emo card around like it means something. Funny how that works for you.
  12. "Notably worse than the Vet". Not sure I would go that far. Donte is far younger, which gives us more years. And he is coming off his best year. Donte grew up last year. And it showed. At least to those who weren't looking for the worst in things.
  13. My God this place is so far down the toilet, Zod may as well flush it, and start over. This place has taken the great American Gladiator sport of Football, and turned it into Bridge Night in America. Most on here wouldn't know intestinal fortitude if it came up to them and slapped them upside the head. So "Ice up", put some dirt on it, and realize that not everything in life will go your way. You folks whine when Rhule plays the vets over the kids. Then you whine when he choses a kid over a vet. The "Wine and Cheesers" have come home to roost.
  14. The only tears being shed over Rhules' departure are tears of joy.
  15. Dream- I'm on board with the trade for Minshew and some picks deal. Nightmare- Taking a QB at 6.
  16. Now, I saw it as Rhule being like most coaches. Vets make fewer mistakes than rookies. So the Vet plays more. Hellz, Rhule even admitted he maybe should have played him sooner. IMO Brady-Colbert-Bozeman-Brown-Moton, means we don't have to draft an Olineman in the 1st. Opens up the door for that dynamic DE don't cha think?
  17. Throw in Brown. We have no clue what he is capable of? Or at least we, as fans, have no clue. Well... I say damm the torpedos' give Brown RG, and put Colbert at LG. Bozeman at C, and Brady and Taylor on the ouside.
  18. Well alllllrriiiiiighty then. I will leave you with this. YES, we do have a LT. His name is Brady Christensen. The kid played LT rather well, when he was actually given an opportunity. So we've got that going for us.
  19. No doubt there is a lot of young talent on that D. Adding a stud DE would be the cherry on top baby. If I had my way, I would add the best DE I could find. Whether that is at 6. Or some other solution. I really feel that if MacAdoo can help Sam, and Campen can help the Oline. All we need is for the Offense to get up into the 20s, and this team is capable of competing. Or...something totally unforseen happens. Then all bets are off.
  20. I say, let Brady have LT. See if Colbert can play LG, if he can, put Brown at RG. Leave Moton at RT, and Bozeman at C, and let's go to war. Get the best DE in the 1st. Then let's get to rejoicing.
  21. How about this? Last year our Offense was our Achilles Heel. We've done quite a bit to upgrade said Offense. 1. We have upgraded our Oline. And still have the draft. 2. We have upgraded our Oline Coach. 3.We have upgraded our Signal Caller. 4. We have added Freeman. A RB that upgrades our short yardage situation. 5. We have added experienced Coaches, with winning reumes to the staff. 6. Oh, and we still have the draft. Lots to get excited about.
  22. IMO, with an improved Oline (With the draft still to come, and Camden as the coach, why not?), and MacAdoo calling plays. Maybe, just maybe, Sam can be servicable? I personally, would not draft a QB this year.
  23. See, I don't get this? Why should we SETTLE for a DECENT QB? IMO, if we can't get a really good one, why not just pass? (Pun unintended) If you don't get the QB you want early. Let it go. There are plenty of other fish in the ponds. Although with the QB pond. It is so shallow, you can practically reach in and grab you a QB. They are all pretty much the same.
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