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Everything posted by iamhubby1

  1. As a long time Spartan. I can endorse this statement.
  2. I disagree with that bolded part. By all accounts, Sam is a true professional. There is a very real chance that Sam could be an excellent mentor. As a general rule. QBs are not the most eager of mentors.
  3. Then I guess you two have something in common. You both are terrible at something.
  4. I know a lot of folks were looking for that trade down, but it never really had any footing. Glad Ikey was there, because we were pretty much stuck with 6.
  5. What's funny is you showing your total lack of knowledge by calling our improved Oline. "A bunch of Jags". Then followed that up with a poll designed to find like minded folks, that totally backfired on you. Now that right there is funny. I don't care who you are.
  6. Yeah, I'm sorry to say this, but if you can't see how vastly improved our line has become this Offseason. I don't think anyone can help you.
  7. Lol a base to build around. lol We are staring down the barrel of one of the best Olines in Panthers history. And you think it is only a start? lol
  8. Everyone is happy, and enjoying talking about our much improved Oline. Then bam, in comes @frankw to rain on their parade. You are so delusional, you don't even know you are being negative. And that ain't just a you problem.
  9. Not one night? You guys can't leave the negativity out for one lousy night? This place is as happy as it's been in a year. But you guys just can't have that can you? smh
  10. With this thread, @hepcat is the leader in the Club House with his 10th "I ain't happy, and I want folks to know it" thread. When reached for comment Mr. @hepcat stated "Well, you know. I looked around me and I thought to myself ""There's just not enough negativity up in here."" So I wanted to do my part". As far as this writer is concerned. Mr. @hepcat hit the mark.
  11. Guys who love the game say, "I'm willing to do anything Coach". The guys in it for the money say, "This is what I'm willing to do Coach".
  12. Oh, give me a break. If those stats were reversed? Folks would be drooling over the kid. Every metric except Comp% went down every year. And that went up, then back down. Praise the guy for what he is. But the stats don't back the rest up.
  13. We spent a 2nd on Marshall We spent a 3rd on Christensen We brought in Corbett, Bozeman, and Royce That is a far cry from your assertion that "Under Rhule we've spent all our draft assets on D while trying to build an O off the NFL's trash heap."
  14. Did you read his post? This is what he said. "Under Rhule we've spent all our draft assets on D while trying to build an O off the NFL's trash heap." We used a 2nd, and a 3rd on Offense. But I guess those 2 picks don't count. lol How can we have 5 Offensive Draft picks, and at least 3 quality FA, while spending all our draft capital on D, and trash bin diving? You folks kill me. Make up a fact, and expect to get away with it.
  15. Thursday is golf day. Not sure I'll even watch it. But I might check this place out depending on how it goes. You?
  16. AW, did you need to come to his rescue? 5 Offensive picks in last years draft. 3 well respect Offensive FA this year. But hey, you guys are the bomb. You guys will spin anything to fit your agenda. Face facts, we have spend resources on Offense. And Georgie Boy said otherwise. Him wrong. But I guarantee he will not admit it.
  17. Way to spin that BS. You are good at it. Have you ever in your life ever accepted you made a mistake? I don't think you could.
  18. Way to walk it back. You claimed "Under Rhule we've spent all our draft assets on D while trying to build an O off the NFL's trash heap." Which is categorically wrong. After being called out. You want to bring out a chart. lol
  19. We did draft 5 Offensive players last year. We also brought in 3 well respected vets this year. But hey, don't let facts get in the way of your agenda.
  20. I would say it's safe to say that Sam pretty much has this year to salvage his career. With all the help we have given him, or have yet to give him. There really is no excuse. That's if it's Sam this year. This team is set up pretty well for a QB. Whether it's Sam, or whomever.
  21. Don't put words in my mouth. That some other guys job. I have never said I wanted to settle for Sam.
  22. The pieces are there. Whether it makes paste or sauce is the question. It's a great situation for a QB. Decent Defense. Improved Oline, especially if we get lucky. Upgraded Coaching. Upgraded RB room. It very well could work. Or not. That's the great thing about sports. Damm near infinite possibilities.
  23. Me too. I mean dang, why does it seem so personal?
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