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Everything posted by iamhubby1

  1. One game does not a revamp make. We had a game plan to beat ATL, and it worked. Sorry.
  2. Excuses. A drop is a drop. You give Sam hell for misses. We can give receivers hell for drops
  3. lol Oh I forgot, you are the only one who sees the truth. The rest of us only care about mediocrity. We won, and some of us are happy about that. Does it change the future? No. But how does whatever it is you are doing change anything?
  4. Nice rebuttal. You act like everything you say is Gold. It ain't.
  5. A win is a win. If you have to quantify it. You have an agenda. Sure we won, but I don't like the way we won. How silly is that?
  6. This is the NFL. If you get 2 hands on it, which every receiver did today, catch the dang ball. Now let's see you spin that.
  7. So, because it didn't meet your standards. Everyone else is wrong? Got it. Why not add the 4 drops? We won, and you still gotta be you.
  8. A lot of people have noticed this post. I wonder if anything will come of it? I've seen him post worse though.
  9. So glad we have @frankwto help police the joint. What would we do without him?
  10. My God you've gone off the deep end. She wasn't even here when Cam was, and has never said a bad thing about him. You should maybe log off if you cannot talk to people in a calm manner.
  11. It's like "What is a catch". Who knows. Instant replay is the devil.
  12. I feel like you've backed me into a corner here. Yes Cam got beat up. So no, refs don't protect everyone the same way.
  13. I'll give you that the NFL is protecting QBs hard. But that other stuff is just fan speak. Every fan base thinks the refs hate them.
  14. I don't mind getting crap. Cuz it matters not. I just enjoy football, and usually talking about it. There's still a bunch of us who are not ready to jump off that cliff. Thankfully, there are still folks to chat with.
  15. Unfortunately you may be right.
  16. If you make a catch, go to the ground, and lose the ball. That is an incomplete pass. If you catch a ball, make any sort of Football Move. That is a catch. If you are on the sideline, get 2 feet down, but drop the ball when you hit the ground. That is an incomplete pass.
  17. If you make a "Football Move" turn to run, take a step, anything really. It is considered a catch. In the End Zone. If you catch a ball, and take a step or two. Then go out of bounds. You are allowed to drop the ball. You had possession, and control. That is all you need in the EZ. You made a football move. DJ got 2 feet down, but did not control the ball through contact with the ground. Hence, incomplete. He made no football move.
  18. And it actually looked like DJ was already losing the ball before he hit the ground. Then the ball popped out. Which makes it an incomplete pass.
  19. You have maintain control after contacting the ground. I should have said that the first time. I just thought folks were aware of this.
  20. Pretty sad comment don't ya think? Really make one wonder.
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