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Everything posted by MasterAwesome

  1. If Brady Christensen’s arms were 33 1/4” then I would understand what Zod was trying to paint, but I admit I’m confused too.
  2. The last player I remember saying that in his presser was Aaron Hernandez.
  3. The Huddle for the entire last 4 months: “WOOOO!! THANK GOD NO MORE HURNEY!! ANYONE BUT HURNEY YEAHHHHHH!!” Then proceeds to complain about everything the new GM does. Some things never change.
  4. Why start this thread in the middle of round 1? Can we wait til the first round is over?
  5. Where did I mention anything about the cap? This ain’t some abstract grey area like the salary cap that you can maneuver around by manipulating contracts. This is an objective, empirical, astronomical cost of moving from 28th to Top 10. Like I said, if we traded every single draft pick for the next 3 years to move up to 2nd overall and took...let’s say Mac Jones...would you be like “Hell yeah!! Finally sticking it to Payton!”. That’s essentially what you’re arguing by freaking out about the possibility of the Saints moving up without even knowing who they’re taking. So we’re fools for winning that WFT game to drop our draft pick to 8th overall...yet we should emulate the Saints who won enough games to drop to 28th overall (and nothing to show for it)...? Try to get your philosophy straight cause I have no idea what you’re even advocating for other than “PANTHERS = BAD!!”.
  6. What? By that logic, let’s trade every pick (1-7) for the next 3 years and jump to #2 and take Wilson or something. Then we’ll really screw all our rivals over by getting better ahead of them! There’s a cost of moving up that far, you know...they’d be screwing themselves a thousand times more than they’d be screwing us, unless they hit an absolute home run with whoever they take (like perennial All-Pro game-changer).
  7. Fair enough....although I would make the case that a roster spot is more valuable than the relatively minor dead cap hit from their release. I keep hearing the sentiment that it's refreshing to have a coaching staff who doesn't hesitate to cut dead weight and makes an effort to field the best roster top to bottom, etc., which seems to clash with the justification of holding onto Little and Grier (potentially the two biggest wastes of roster space) simply because of a little dead cap. But I suppose I can see a case for both sides.
  8. There's a virtually limitless pool of cheap camp bodies in FA at any given moment that they could pull from if that's all they were looking for. There's clear precedent of them cutting players on rookie contracts, as well as a ton of roster shuffling of the cheap bottom-dwellers for depth. Hell, they cut Jordan Scarlett at the beginning of last season, who was from the same draft class as Little/Grier. It doesn't make sense that they would hold onto trash players who are a lost cause because "they're cheap", when they could take a shot at an unknown in FA at a comparably dirt-cheap contract. There has to be some kind of redeeming quality or incremental development they see in practice with these two that we aren't privy to.
  9. You can point to players like Little and Grier being inactive for most of the season or at least being relegated to third string as a serious indictment....but there’s also a reason why they still haven’t been outright cut despite being pretty terrible on the field. I would guess the coaching staff still thinks there is the possibility of developing them. This coaching staff hasn’t shown any hesitation whatsoever in cutting losses with deadweight players.
  10. Generally when a player is “balling”, they don’t get moved to Guard after their rookie season and replaced by a low-tier FA.
  11. Hell I wouldn’t mind taking a flyer on a 6’5 260 pound TE with a 40” vertical running a 4.65 as far as the 90-man off-season roster...the final 53-man roster is a different story though, depending on how training camp/OTAs went.
  12. On the surface it seems pretty contradictory...but it's actually fairly consistent and predictable. Whichever narrative maximizes the amount of whining about the team, is the one Huddlers will latch onto.
  13. I’d be wondering why the Executive Vice President of Player Personnel is calling to execute trades.
  14. All of Darnold's 1200+ throws over the past three years? I'm assuming you mean like two YouTube analysis/breakdown videos, right?
  15. I don't think you can just broadly lump Pitts in with our other "weapons". What we need is a red zone threat who can score TDs, and it isn't clear that we have one on the roster right now (outside of maybe CMC). Pitts could offer unique, much needed utility there.
  16. It was reported that Gettleman tried to trade up to 2nd overall to draft Leonard Fournette. Most people are already critical of drafting running backs in the first round (and rightfully so)...imagine trading up to NUMBER 2 OVERALL to take one.
  17. I mean...they won 2 out of their last 3 games (both against playoff teams) when they were guaranteed the 1st overall draft pick. You think it'd be hard for them to find a way to lose those games if they were committed to tanking?
  18. Never heard Teddy described as “not afraid to take chances”.
  19. If CMC is iron, this dude is probably a rotting 2x4...but hey, I’ve been pleasantly surprised with the relative nobodies we’ve trotted out in the last couple years: Bonnafon, Davis, even Rodney Smith. Maybe we’ll be adding this guy to the list.
  20. This dude? He's gonna be rusty as hell trying to make a comeback after 20 years.
  21. Speaking of train wrecks...thoughts on your Steelers last year?
  22. Ignoring the general intelligence of each fan base....why would you assume that the average Panther fan knows more about Elflein than the Vikings/Jets fans who have actually routinely watched him play on Sunday?
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