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Everything posted by MasterAwesome

  1. Never really been a soccer/futbol fan but I went to my first Charlotte FC game on Saturday and the atmosphere was pretty electric. I am all in on the hype - I just ordered like $250 in apparel lol. I'm still trying to figure out our roster. I don't know these guys nearly well enough to pick them out on the field during the game. But the way you guys are describing Fuchs, he sounds kinda like the Roy Kent of Charlotte FC.
  2. Huh? You’re the one who spoke broadly on our entire season’s passing yardage and attributed that to Sam, and I’m pointing out Sam only started 2/3 of the season and way outperformed our other two starting QBs on passing YPG. So our season’s lackluster passing yardage was dragged down significantly by our other two QBs, mainly Cam. But okay if we exclude Sam’s best FOUR games of the season (lol) then he still had 30 passing YPG more than Cam. So again, your conclusion is correct (Sam sucks) but your premise is pretty silly.
  3. Your conclusion is correct but your premise is terrible. Cam started 5 of those games for us last season and averaged an abysmal 135 YPG passing, compared to Darnold’s 210 YPG in his starts.
  4. Psh who cares about these bum mock drafts.....who does WalterFootball have us taking?!
  5. Teams just did not seem to care about covering this guy lol I've never seen someone that wide open that many times. But dudes like this are exactly why I'm always excited for preseason (at least until I inevitably get bored one half into the first game). Is he likely to blow it up or even make the team? Nah, but there are intriguing traits that you're excited to see potentially translate onto the field.
  6. You sure? In the video in the OP he talks about Corral being Top-10 worthy. And he tweeted after we drafted Corral that he was “Round 1 worthy”. https://twitter.com/CSimmsQB/status/1520239470112808961?s=20&t=LbBMJkeM0zSJ6xyaO9ZJ3Q
  7. Again.....your entire rationale about Brady could be applied towards Sam Darnold. Except not only do you not trip over yourself to rush in and defend Darnold anytime a criticism is levied towards him as you do for Brady, but you actively participate in the trashing of Darnold. Possibly more than anyone else. Are you or are you not deflecting blame from Rhule every single time you trash Darnold? I think Darnold deserves a ton of blame for our offense so don't misconstrue this as me defending Darnold, I'm instead trying to understand your argument. You're saying one thing but your pattern of behavior prove the complete opposite. I'm simply asking you what's the difference between the treatment of Brady vs. the treatment of Darnold...which you conveniently ignored entirely, just to continue to grandstand about how badly Joe Brady is wronged. You didn't mention Darnold once in your entire response to me asking you how you draw a distinction between Darnold/Brady scapegoating. Oh actually I know the difference between the two: the amount of Joe Brady criticism is about 0.000000001% of the amount of Darnold criticism. Seriously, how often is Brady even mentioned on these boards? Once every 2 months? Why overblow this so badly? There....since you're clearly having a tough time answering my question, I went through your own post and switched out "Joe Brady" for "Sam Darnold". Does your post still hold true or not? If so, why do you spend 75% of your posts on here trashing Darnold when he is only a small part of the problem and does not deserve the focus (your words)? If not, can you explain the difference?
  8. I don't follow all of their posts but I can attest to what has been said in this specific thread, and poundaway even explicitly stated that it all falls on Rhule and he has made a lot of mistakes (first post on Page 12). So if that's your go-to example of someone breaking their back to defend Rhule and deflect all blame from him, then that's pretty damn flimsy. So that begs the question: how do you reconcile spending so much time trashing Sam Darnold when you agree that it's analogous to people trashing Joe Brady (neither are/were the main source of this team's problems)? How is one deflecting blame from Rhule but not the other? According to you: -Calling Sam Darnold the worst QB in the NFL and saying he shouldn't be starting and that he's terrible, etc. = OK -Saying Joe Brady was a terrible OC and it was smart to get rid of him = NOT OK, and is simply a tool used to deflect any blame towards Rhule. Help me understand the distinction between the two above. Also whether we can actually get rid of Tepper is irrelevant. Your whole argument has nothing to do with pragmatism - nothing we say in here is going to get rid of Rhule either. Your argument has to do with Huddle posters deflecting blame from the people truly responsible for our mess of a team. Is that or is that not ultimately David Tepper? Or maybe that's not your argument anymore...your argument has already changed several times over the course of this thread that it's hard to keep up. I mean you literally went from "Joe Brady was an impressive OC and led our offense to career numbers in 2020" to "Joe Brady was not a good OC and deserved to be fired"
  9. Lol just stop man...you repeating the same line over and over again isn't gonna make it true. You're 100% arguing in bad faith at this point which is disappointing. Point to a single person/quote of someone breaking their back to shield Tepper/Rhule. Everyone on these boards blames them wholeheartedly for our failures for the last two seasons. You realize that by your own logic...when you trash Sam Darnold, you're deflecting blame from Matt Rhule, right? Or by trashing Matt Rhule, you're deflecting blame from David Tepper? I'm guessing you are unaware of your own flawed contradictions considering you trash Darnold and Rhule just as much as anyone else on these boards. Everything you said about the Brady/Rhule relationship applies to Darnold/Rhule and Rhule/Tepper. Unless your logic is entirely inconsistent, which appears to be the case. So let me slightly reframe what you said in your post above: "When you talk about Matt Rhule...it inevitably leads to Tepper's flaws as an owner. David Tepper hired a HC he shouldn't of (sic)". Therefore please tell us CRA...why are you scapegoating poor Matt Rhule?
  10. Yeah it's strange cause on the CBS Sports Draft Tracker, we got Bs and Cs for every single one of our draft picks. Seemed like a pretty mediocre reception of our draft.
  11. Cory Littleton at least should be our starter over Damien Wilson regardless of his legal troubles. So Littleton/Shaq should be a fairly solid LB duo. Depending on how often we plan on running a 4-3 vs. a Nickel defense, our 3rd LB spot (WLB) is the one that could potentially be a weakness.
  12. Naw dude your entire defense of Brady is an appeal to emotion about how poor Brady was a victim who was thrown under the bus as a scapegoat for that vile despicable Matt Rhule to deflect from his personal failures. Like there's nothing actually objective, rational, or substantive about your argument.
  13. That is such a ridiculously laughable take that I truly cannot accept that you actually believe that. It feels like you're arguing entirely in bad faith at this point. Again, Matt Rhule is virtually unanimously hated across the board. The most positive take I've seen about Rhule on these boards is along the lines of "hey what if Rhule miraculously ends up becoming a good coach this year because most of his responsibilities are stripped away?" lol. You're fabricating this fake narrative that people are scapegoating Brady to defend Rhule because that's the only way your argument is defensible. Otherwise if anyone takes the simple stance that Joe Brady sucked and deserved to be fired but also Rhule totally sucks and deserves to be fired too, then your position completely crumbles. Your initial argument that Brady was impressive and his offense led to almost every offensive skill player having career years was so untenable that you immediately abandoned it once you got even the slightest pushback questioning it. You've alluded to one single person saying Brady was responsible for bringing in Darnold and you've somehow extrapolated that to a much broader narrative that poor Brady is getting thrown under the bus on these boards to prop up Rhule. Did that person even say anything in praising Rhule while making that criticism? If so, quote it. It's crazy to me that you're a moderator of this message board and you seemingly have no idea of the prevailing sentiment here. I'll make it simple for you because this is dragging on entirely too long: Do you agree with the sentiment that Rhule is a terrible coach that deserves to be fired while also acknowledging that Brady was an ineffective OC that deserved to be fired? If so, join the damn party and quit falling on your sword to white knight for Brady every chance that you get.
  14. Yeah don’t worry I think we’ve established by now that the best defense you can muster up of Joe Brady is that “Matt Rhule sucks”. That’s a very brave take. I think we can put this to rest now.
  15. If we’re paying Darnold either way, I’d still much rather keep him over PJ as QB3 lol. Unless cutting PJ is already a foregone conclusion in this scenario.
  16. Lol are you referring to the first post I quoted above? Cause that's the one you directly quoted initially that inspired you to jump in and start defending Brady. In which case your hyperbole about all these supposed Brady haters is on full display...absolutely zero mention of Sam Darnold. And no one is using Brady to deflect any blame from Rhule and the other coaches. It's absolutely absurd that that's your claim. Rhule is basically universally hated across these boards. People have criticized virtually every member of this organization at one point or another but Joe Brady is in unique company as the only one you continue to jump in and defend against these imaginary people saying Joe Brady single-handedly destroyed our entire organization and forced Rhule to make every bad decision he has ever made, and punched 27 puppies while he did it. You saying that people use Brady to deflect the failures of others seems like incredibly transparent projection considering deflecting from Brady's failures is precisely what you continue to do. You already seem to have moved the goalposts of your defense from Brady being "impressive" to "hey I just don't think he deserves 100% of the blame for every single one of our failures from the past 2 years while arguing Rhule is perfect in every way". Like, okay dude lol sure I can agree to that extremely sizzling hot take. That's a great point.
  17. You guys seem so desperate to turn Brady into this wronged persecuted martyr who died for Rhule's sins. He performed poorly as our OC and got canned, it's as simple as that. Yeah we all wish Rhule was canned alongside him, but unfortunately Tepper seems to have a higher tolerance for incompetence. Your insistence on labeling Brady as the "scapegoat for all the mess in 2021" again is incredibly hyperbolic designed to shift away from actually making any substantive defense of his performance, which you continue to abstain from. If he was the scapegoat for 2021, then Rhule would have kept his entire coaching staff in place except for Brady. Instead, we replaced our offensive coordinator, special teams coach, offensive line coach, wide receivers coach, tight ends coach, defensive line coach, defensive backs coach, and various assistants. Sounds like acknowledgement that there was plenty of blame to go around. So I don't understand the weird hyper-fixation on jumping to Brady's defense every chance you get.
  18. Naw no one has ever made Brady a universal scapegoat...if you have to resort to this type of hyperbole, then your substantive arguments in defense of Brady are probably pretty flimsy. I've heard people saying Brady was responsible for bringing in Teddy but I've never heard that for Darnold...let alone this claim that he's "100% responsible" lol. Unless you're taking the most radical stance from like one single poster and extrapolating that like it's a mainstream criticism of Brady, in order to justify your continued blind defense of him. I've heard many people talk about Phil Snow being responsible for bringing in Darnold because of his comment about seeing "Stafford"-like qualities in the tape. So perhaps you should shift to defending Snow instead. You still keep alluding to Brady's impressiveness without being able to articulate how he was impressive. That seems like a pretty important premise to your argument.
  19. Joe Brady consistently impressed you maybe...I don't see what he did that was objectively impressive unless you wanna tout this meaningless accolade of "4 different players with 1000+ yards from scrimmage!!". You alluded to "career years" for everyone in our offense - can you elaborate on this? I think Curtis Samuel is the only one who had a clear career year and he has always clearly been a super talented guy who just never had the opportunities. I do credit Brady with some of the creative ways he used Samuel in the red zone; unfortunately that seemed to be the only way Brady knew how to score in the red zone. Otherwise, looking at these other "career years": DJ Moore - nothing "career" about his season - very consistent production with what he's done the past few years. Robby Anderson - most yards of his career, but least TDs since his rookie season. Plus if you're being consistent with your "Darnold is the worst QB in the league" take, then you'd be attributing Robby's production almost entirely to the simple fact that he finally didn't play with Darnold for the first time in several years, rather than giving the credit to Brady. Teddy Bridgewater - more yards, less TDs. Actually the lowest TD% of his career. But overall, pretty par for the course for a Teddy season. Mike Davis - I mean I guess he had a "career year" with regards to total numbers, although it's certainly no coincidence that this came when he was thrust into a consistent starting role for the first time in his career. His production was pretty consistent with his last year in Seattle and last season with Atlanta when he had a similar workload. Hardly a praiseworthy performance, big picture. I feel like you're creating this narrative for Joe Brady being "impressive" cause you recognize that that's literally the only thing that prevents you from applying the same rationale and charitability to Rhule, that you are giving to Brady. Being "green" and needing time to develop, pointing out the bad HC/OC pairing (which goes both ways - Brady wasn't doing Rhule any favors either), dealing with the worst QB in the NFL. The only additional critique you can uniquely apply to Rhule is him being responsible for putting together such a green, amateurish coaching staff...which again, includes Brady. Our offense in 2020 was statistically not good...we were 24th in PPG, 25th in 3rd down %, 28th in Red Zone %. We had a below average starting QB and a very good 1-3 receiving corps; I'm not sure how you argue we overachieved with those offensive rankings, given our personnel. Also, Brady getting HC interviews is a pretty meaningless thing to hang your hat on. Not only did he not get hired anywhere, but he ended up having to accept a demotion with the Bills. If he's clearly super talented, he would have gotten an opportunity somewhere as OC. Unless you think FOs around the league are unable to properly analyze the individual work of an OC and just attributed all of our offensive failures last year to Brady without considering the Darnold factor.
  20. Your continued defense of Brady is just as delusional as the Rhule/Darnold defenders. The common theme with Brady is he could not get the ball in the end zone…that was consistent no matter who his QB was, and that’s consistent with Teddy’s claim that we never practiced our red zone offense. That was clear to anyone who watched our games on Sundays. Brady was clueless there, and touchdowns are what win you games in the NFL. He was okay between the 20s which is why guys like Robby and Curtis had that “career production” you’re touting (i.e. yardage), but who cares if you can’t get the ball in the end zone. It’s wild revisionism that you and others all of a sudden wanna go back and praise our 2020 offense in defense of Brady. No one at the time was praising our offense, and rightfully so because it was pretty terrible.
  21. Zod does that more than anyone here lol, which is ironic cause he used to always complain about people using his photos without crediting him.
  22. Yep, Fitterer already decided the guy he TRADED UP for isn’t going to be very good. You nailed it OP, good job.
  23. Remember when multiple Huddlers freaked out about the Saints trading their 2 1sts to jump in front of us and draft Willis? Lol. So many horrible pre-draft takes.
  24. I'm sure Tepper is so heartbroken about people on a message board whining about him lol. The best way to "stick it" to him is to stop watching/dedicating your time to the team but none of you guys have the conviction to do it cause it's all transparent empty circle-jerk posturing. I'd be willing to bet that activity here during our 3-0 start to the season was a fraction of what it was before our season fell off a cliff.
  25. Anyone who feels the need to post in thread after thread after thread about how done they are with the team, is clearly just posturing for internet validation.
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