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Everything posted by MasterAwesome

  1. But you think a lame-duck GM in the last year of his contract did have that influence? Also, it doesn't make sense to me that Hurney was trying to save his job by signing Bridgewater to win now, while it was also reported that he wanted to take Justin Herbert with his first round pick last year. That type of veteran QB signing while drafting the QB of the future doesn't scream "win now". That's the type of move you make to set up long-term success, not immediate success. And I don't buy the argument that "Rhule and Tepper were cool with a rebuild" but deferred to Hurney who wanted to win now. That doesn't really pass the sniff test for me. A true rebuild is a monumental decision that has huge short and long term implications. To paint the narrative that a rebuild was just some nonchalant option that the head coach and owner of the team were like "yeah whatever we're cool with a rebuild but we don't feel that strongly about it" is not really operating within the confines of reality. Tepper invested billions of dollars into this franchise. You better believe he is thinking long-term with the moves he makes. Not deferring to a lame-duck GM who is transparently trying to save his job with moves that have the potential to set the franchise back several years.
  2. And fast forward two years later and Little and Ford are both essentially busts. But damn if we didn't look stupid cause that one Bills dude high fived a few other dudes lol.
  3. It's easy to identify those who lack a fundamental understanding of statistics/analytics. "Correlation does not imply causation" is literally Stats 101.
  4. Last year? Last year Tua and Herbert went 5/6. Daniel Jones was the 2nd QB taken at #6 the year before. Josh Allen was taken at #7 the year before that. Mahomes/Watson were taken at #10/#12 the year before that. It's not very uncommon for one of the top QB prospects to land in the #8 range in any given year.
  5. If the actual draft plays out this way and Wilson "falls" to us at 8, god forbid he busts and we have to listen to the narrative for years about how stupid we were to take him and all the other teams knew he was terrible and the Broncos' draft room was laughing their asses off when we took him instead of Trey Lance and he would've still been available with our 4th round pick.
  6. Are we going to ignore the Brady/Teddy connection in New Orleans? That's even more of a red flag on Brady's record if he genuinely thought Teddy blows (having worked closely with him), and he either didn't speak up about it or couldn't persuade Hurney not to sign him. Or did Hurney just sign him despite Brady's objections? I don't get how Hurney has this reputation as this "Yes man"/selfless dude who fell on the sword for Rivera when he first got fired, while also simultaneously being this egomaniac who overrules his coaching staff and is only out to save his job at all costs.
  7. Preparation for mass federal microchipping!!!!
  8. The world is ripe for a pandemic of this nature...and yet most every other country by now has either drastically slowed down the spread or has outright wiped it out.
  9. Why is it that you get incredibly defensive every time Florida is rightfully criticized? It’s getting really weird.
  10. Jesus, can you please just take 3 seconds to google what a trend is so we don’t keep going around in circles. I don’t want to overwhelm you so I am sorry for introducing a second buzzword, but trends are extremely helpful when making projections. Let’s say City A goes from 10,000 daily cases in April to 2,500 in May to 1,000 in June. City B goes from 100 daily cases in April to 500 daily cases in May to 1,000 daily cases in June. Do you consider these two cities to be in exactly the exact predicament with CoVID simply because they’re both averaging currently averaging 1,000 cases? Or does one concern you more than the other?
  11. I think I’m starting to understand the disconnect now. Whenever I use the term “trends” and reference NY, you seem to take that as me handing them a shiny gold “Most Improved” trophy. That’s not what this is about...this isn’t some feel-good Disney Channel “Worst to First” redemption story. I couldn’t care less if we’re talking about NYC going from 10,000 -> 500 daily cases vs. some middle-of-nowhere town in South Dakota going from 10 -> 3 daily cases. All I want to see are promising declining trends which indicate that a city or state is getting this virus under control. As of now, NY is exhibiting that trend. Florida? Not so much.
  12. Yeah, strawmen are annoying and weasly right? So how about you not go down that road next time. Don’t play dirty and expect me not to get in the mud with you if that’s how you want to play it. The operative word in all of my posts has been “trends”...everything you’ve posted thus far demonstrates to me that you have no clue what trends are, and I’m not gonna help you with something that you can google on your own time. I’ve repeatedly stated that NY is trending in the right direction, Florida however is not. So you went from arguing a strawman to now making me argue someone else’s claim about NY being COVID-free. Jesus, how about you just clue me in on what exactly you would like me to argue cause I can’t keep up with your ever changing version of it.
  13. Man, I gotta say....I've heard so many ridiculous rants lately about how masks are depriving people of oxygen, which I originally dismissed as ignorant babbling...but based on these responses I'm having to deal with in here, a lack of oxygen to the brain would actually explain a lot.
  14. I mean sure...if that's an easier strawman for you to argue against, we can pretend that. But I'm sorry...my attention is invested towards preventing the deaths of more American lives going forward. So go ahead and sit here and thump your chest about absolute numbers and how Florida is doing such a great job cause they have less total deaths while I'll continue to monitor present trends...since those are a tad bit more relevant than citing statistics from months ago. You are sounding even more nonsensical than the other guy.
  15. If me explaining your logic doesn't make sense to you, then that's an indictment on your logic bro lol. But sure, wear it proudly like a badge of honor!
  16. Someone said Florida has more recent cases than all of Europe. His reply was pointing out that NYC has had more deaths to date than the entire state of Florida. While factually true...that's clearly sensationalism, not reflective of the trajectories of NYC vs. Florida, which are trending in complete opposite directions. Then he goes on to complain that the media emphasizes TOTAL cases rather than ACTIVE cases, because they are so sensationalist and just want headlines. He's doing the exact same thing cause it supports his agenda. *Active cases are way more relevant than total cases*...just like *CURRENT death rates are way more relevant than TOTAL deaths*. Hint: Florida has had more than twice as many deaths as NYC in the past week, and the gap between the two is only going to continue to grow.
  17. Lol so you engage in sensationalism nonsense using the total death count of NYC vs. Florida instead of recent trends and then 2 posts later cry about the media being sensationalist by using the total cases instead of active ones. Way to drive some headlines there...sounds like you might have a future in mainstream media after all.
  18. Trump is the 45th president. 4 + 5 = 9, which is the number of lives of a cat. CAT backwards = TAC. TAC = Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre, which is in Australia. Anagram of Australia = Ultra Asia. Ultra Asia? Umm if you STILL don't believe Coronavirus was artificially created and leaked deliberately by China in order to eradicate most of the global population so that they could emerge as the leading superpower, secret cure in hand, then WAKE...UP...SHEEPLE! Ultra Asia is right around the corner and you mask-wearing idiots are too stupid to see it!
  19. The same people faux-outraged and clutching their pearls at Dr. Fauci initially misleading the public about the efficacy of masks are the same people who have never worn masks since day 1 and still refuse to wear masks under the guise of "muh libertiessss". They now just have a convenient excuse to try and justify the action (or inaction) that they had already committed to.
  20. Enormous gatherings of people in every major city standing shoulder-to-shoulder screaming at the top of their lungs in the midst of an incredibly contagious respiratory viral pandemic...what’s the worst that could happen? I wholeheartedly support the protests and I can’t think of a better cause than fighting injustice, but damn if these protests aren’t damn near optimal conditions for the spread of the virus...
  21. Okay sure...that doesn’t change anything. Let’s be as charitable as possible and say the grocery store is ground zero for every recent infection in the country. What percentage of those infections do you think we’d see if everyone was wearing a mask and properly sanitized their items before use? Still boils down to people not taking the necessary precautions...i.e. not taking this seriously.
  22. And where did their family member get it from? That was always the concern...going out, contracting the Coronavirus, then coming back to their home and infecting their family members. That's why this issue is so delicate and why half-measures don't cut it...you could have a mother, father, and daughter staying home during the lockdown and still getting infected cause the teenage son isn't taking it seriously and opting to sneak out with his neighborhood buddies. Boom...all of their families are infected now.
  23. I think we should just draft JStro or DGreeBe.
  24. Why are people concerned about Ealy not getting much push at DT? Guards are among the strongest players in the NFL, I wouldn't expect a 270 pound DE to be able to get push on a straight bull rush against a guard. Ealy's success at DT comes from his explosiveness and being able to get around the guard BEFORE they can put their hands on him...he's not going to be able to straight up overpower a guard who has the strength to hold off 300+ pound DTs. Unless I'm misinterpreting what you mean by Ealy not getting much "push"..."push" to me sounds like a straight 1 on 1 bullrush-type situation. Hardy can get push on guards cause he has almost 20 pounds on Ealy and is more of a power-rusher (compared to Ealy I mean...Hardy can really do it all). Ealy's strength is not his....well, strength; he's a finesse rusher.
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