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Everything posted by MasterAwesome

  1. Ha yeah sorry, I was just trying to be “witty” or something. I was aware of Monteiro cause he got a lot of playing time in the first preseason game and IIRC, he graded out really well in run blocking that game. Pass blocking, clearly not so much…
  2. Well that doesn't really narrow it down...
  3. I mean…okay I guess? I genuinely don’t know how to argue against “Because Jaguars” lol. The argument that because they’ve made stupid decisions before (as every single organization has), that means they must necessarily have done everything in the sloppiest most incompetent way possible is a slam dunk I guess. The T-e-b-o-w thing could have been more a publicity stunt than a “stupid football decision” and had virtually zero impact on their football operations anyways…he didn’t even make it past first cuts. Splitting first team reps between Minshew and Lawrence for all we know was them trying to butter Minshew up for a potential trade in the horizon…which, again, seems like teams didn’t bite. Do I think it was stupid of them to trade Minshew for a 6th rather than keep him? Yeah probably, but that has nothing to do with how other teams valued him. That just means he’s probably more valuable to the Jags than the 6th round pick they got for him.
  4. I would’ve personally been pretty excited if we had traded a 6th for Minshew, since he’s clearly an upgrade over Grier/PJ. But that’s sorta my point…how many times have we heard on here the sentiment of: “I either want a QB good enough to get us to the playoffs or bad enough to secure us a top 5 pick”. Minshew is exactly the type of QB in the middle to give us 6-9 wins (nice) and leave us in QB purgatory when it comes time for the draft. Which I’m personally fine with, as I’m not one of those Huddlers who is perpetually looking towards the draft 5 games into the season. For your other points: everyone and their grandmas knew the Jags were open to trading Minshew with the drafting of Lawrence. I would have to suspend all rational thought to accept that they could’ve gotten more than a 6th for him but chose to take the first offer and ship him to Philly. If they ultimately traded him for a 6th, then I’m pretty confident that’s what the league values him as…blaming the Jags for being stupid is irrelevant unless you’re suggesting they got better offers but took the worst one. That’s why I’m saying you guys are overvaluing Minshew relative to the league. You hype up his stats and call him a good QB…but good, young QBs who have put up good numbers early into their careers don’t fetch 6th round picks. If NFL GMs thought as highly of him as us armchair GMs do, then the Jags’ phone would be ringing off the hook with offers a hell of a lot better than a 6th round pick.
  5. Targeted spell checker? So you flubbing basic addition was more of a typo, got it. I couldn’t have cared less about your embarrassing gaffe if you didn’t come in shortly after with the condescending “3rd grade math” insult. Just hilarious irony in the same vein as someone making a “Your so dumb” insult. So far you like to complain about me not contributing to this discussion meanwhile you’ve done nothing but flounder and deflect about Greg Little this and rah rah team that. Clearly whatever previous arguments we’ve had are still raging on in your head so you’ll have to refresh my memory on those…cause I only remember you as the guy with a massive boner for Gettleman. How’s that going btw? I imagine it must have gone pretty soft these past few years. I dunno what it is about the combination of 50 years old + the Carolina Huddle that creates such delicate, fragile little egos here. But damn, you might have the rest of them beat.
  6. Lol just don’t hurl around the “3rd grade math” insults if you don’t know how to perform basic addition…all I’m saying. The rest of your post is irrelevant floundering. Greg Little? Huh? Talk about meaning nothing to the conservation…nice self-own. Almost as good as your math.
  7. People in here always complain about mediocrity and now are bummed we didn’t trade for Gardner Minshew? Really? Is there any chance you’re overvaluing a QB who was traded for a 6th rounder at the most important, coveted position in the NFL? I thought it was “boom or bust” Darnold who will either get us in the playoffs or bomb badly enough to secure us a top 5 pick. Now all of a sudden we’re upset about losing out on the potential for a QB who could get us to an 8-9 record.
  8. Is our o-line really the “elephant in the room” when we’ve been complaining about it openly for the past 10+ years?
  9. Is Slye eligible for the practice squad? Seems like he’d be a good candidate to keep around to see if he can work through the mental hurdles.
  10. It’s gonna be a night and day difference in an opposing defense’s gameplan with vs. without CMC on the field for us. Defenses are gonna be more reluctant to blitz, they’re gonna invest more coverage to try and contain CMC (opening up opportunities for other receivers), and if they DO wanna blitz, we’re talking about having access to the absolute best safety outlet for a QB under pressure. You can’t overstate the impact of our absolute best player sitting on the bench for the entire game today.
  11. When the diehard Cam loyalists would paint any critics/critiques of him with a broad brush and imagine a caricature of a not-so-subtle racially motivated F-150 driver or w/e, THIS is actually the embodiment of that dude they were picturing in their heads.
  12. I just find it funny and ironic that the same posters who say "You need a QB to compete" (and rightfully so) are also very critical of Rhule for his record against winning teams...as if they can't see the connection there. All Rhule does is overachieve wherever he goes. I'd love to finally see a good QB leading one of his teams.
  13. What kind of logic did you use to come to that conclusion? More like we basically traded Greg Little for this dude…and if he’s truly a “bad kicker” then we’ll presumably cut him and get our pick back anyway.
  14. Rob Schneider on stilts maybe…he’s 14 inches shorter than this dude.
  15. Did you stop reading after the first line of my post? Lol.
  16. We don't have three threads on this? Did I miss one...is it four now or something? Or is your attention to detail lacking to where you inferred something beyond me commenting about how many threads we have regarding another team's QB?
  17. I don't recall people outright criticizing Gano's leg strength, but maybe more of an insinuation tied to Rivera's reluctance to let Gano attempt 50+ yard FGs...particularly in 2017 when he led the league in FG% but had only ONE attempt beyond 50 yards. That should have been more an indictment on Rivera IMO...it was always evident (to me at least) that Gano had a strong leg. He was pretty routinely among the top kickers for touchback percentage.
  18. If Darnold is truly being "coddled", then the Steelers dialing things back and resting their starters (primarily the defensive ones) would probably make Rhule more encouraged to play Darnold.
  19. Hopkins went for 1500 yards and 11 TDs in 2015 catching passes from Brian Hoyer, Ryan Mallet, TJ Yates, and Brandon Weeden. If you picked any other receiver, I would probably agree with you.
  20. Lol this extension will have no impact on DJ's negotiations. It's laughable that you think his agent is gonna use Robby's middle-of-the-road contract as a baseline for negotiations...he was always gonna use the Hopkins/Julio/Keenan Allen/Tyreek Hill type contracts as the starting point. You think his agent is gonna be like "Well....Robby got $12.5 million/year and we both know DJ Moore is at least 75% better than Robby, so we want $22 million/year". Modest contracts don't set the market for players like DJ Moore.
  21. Just remember there were actually people who were genuinely trying to say last year that Mike Davis was just as good...like I actually wasted about 10 minutes of my life having to refute that claim against people like Jim Bob Cooter.
  22. The overall argument that Darnold should be getting more reps in preseason is fair and there are definitely some compelling points you could make for that. Unfortunately, what sparked this whole back-and-forth between you two is that you were doing a pretty terrible job making your argument. Your premises were largely nonsensical. -You said the fact that we ran it three straight plays at the goal line instead of opting for a playaction pass is a testament to how the team feels about Darnold (i.e. they don't trust him in that situation). That may be true if your objective of preseason is to win the game...which is why people have been questioning your understanding of preseason. Rather, preseason is about evaluation - and if they choose to keep it on the ground for 3 consecutive plays at the goal line, then chances are, they feel relatively comfortable with Darnold's ability to execute in the red zone and would rather evaluate the o-line/running back's ability to punch it in from the 1. -You also suggested the fact that we aren't playing Darnold much at all in the preseason means the coaching staff doesn't trust him. In reality, there's generally an inverse relationship between the amount of a player's preseason playing time vs. the level of trust the coaching staff has in him. If a coach is leaving you out there for the majority of the game...chances are, he's pretty unsure about you.
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