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Everything posted by MasterAwesome

  1. Sounds like he just wanted a reason to plug some of his old articles. This gives me vibes of social media "influencers" who start their videos with "So...lots of my subscribers have been asking me about my daily fitness routine. So here's a video of me doing a bunch of workouts shirtless" or w/e.
  2. Brady sucked…just because the interim guy we replaced him with sucks even more, doesn’t change that. And if you’re gonna excuse some of Cam’s performance issues because he was still learning the playbook, then maybe we should do the same for the Running Backs coach who just inherited an entire playbook that he had no hand in creating. Like Brady, I think Nixon is in over his head.
  3. When Payton beats a divisional opponent, he's the godliest coach of all time. When Payton loses to a divisional opponent, he's a genius who did so deliberately just to sabotage a rival's draft position. You guys are too funny.
  4. He’s like a more athletic Brenton Bersin…but without the unwarranted hate of doing nothing but catching every pass that’s thrown to him.
  5. Isn’t it a little counterintuitive to talk about building around an o-line and then willing to trade away our only good one?
  6. Did they ever confirm Cam starting at QB today? I’m going to the game and I ain’t trying to suffer through Darnold or PJ.
  7. I think Rhule's reluctance to play Christensen simply because of his arm length is dumb, but let's at least be factual about his measurements. I fixed it for you.
  8. That doesn't really explain your logic that Darnold was expected to succeed in spite of a bad o-line and a green OC whereas Brady gets a pass due to similar circumstances. I mean I recall you posting some chart about how some of the top passing attacks actually have o-lines that rate very poorly in pass-blocking to suggest that a bad o-line is no excuse for Darnold not to perform and that passing games can often succeed with poor pass-blocking. But now you're using a poor o-line as an excuse for Brady? My point is that all of these things are codependent so I don't get the inconsistent application of certain elements of our offense. Darnold was obviously a hinderance to Brady's success, but I think it has become increasingly clear by this point that Brady was similarly a hinderance to Darnold's success.
  9. The irony is that you're making the same argument that people were making in the offseason for why they're hopeful about Darnold maybe being able to show something with us. Set up to fail...young QB given horrible OL, receivers, coaching...etc. From everything I've seen from Brady, I suspect you take him now and plug him into a new system and he would fail as hard as Darnold has with his new team. For some reason you're awfully charitable to Brady. You fail to recognize that he is absolutely a big part of the problem. Offenses are synergistic: the same way Brady expectedly failed because he had to deal with horrible QBs and OLs....our QBs and OL expectedly failed because they had to deal with a green OC who was in over his head and never learned to adapt to anything.
  10. I would buy the "inexperienced" angle if it seemed like Brady was making strides from Year 1 -> Year 2. Instead, his playcalling looks like it has gotten worse.
  11. Yeah he developed a gameplan that was good enough to win. He did his job. Doesn't mean I'm in awe of his Madden-style spamming of run plays over and over in 50 mph winds when he has a dominant defense, special teams, and o-line to rely on. That's basically Rivera's dream gameplan there; the only difference is Rivera didn't have the personnel to pull it off. I think McDaniels is a good offensive coordinator, I just don't think last night's game elevates him to godlike status which I'm apparently in the minority about.
  12. Were you that impressed by his ability to call 99% run plays tonight?
  13. Well, just watched Minshew’s highlights from yesterday and I was very underwhelmed. I was only impressed by one throw - his very last one. Otherwise it was his receivers being wide open or making something out of dump-offs. You could argue his first TD to Goedert was a good throw but that thing hung in the air for about 5 minutes and seemed to be more a product of bad defense. If the safety was in better position, that would’ve been an easy pick or at least a punishing hit on Goedert. The second TD was wayyy underthrown to a wide open Goedert which seemed to be a pattern for Minshew.
  14. Well that's what I was saying in my post that you quoted. We don't need to compare trading for Minshew vs. trading for Darnold. 1) Trading for Darnold was a big mistake 2) Minshew is not the answer to our QB problem Those aren't mutually exclusive. I'd be more on board with having traded for Minshew if we had a top rookie QB needing to sit for a year or a legit franchise starter with zero depth if he were to get injured. But just trading for Minshew just for the sake of having a marginal upgrade from Teddy would do nothing to get us out of our perpetual QB purgatory since the Cam injury. That's just another one of those half-ass measures we've been taking for the last 2-3 years.
  15. I think we can also agree that those "durrr Sam Darnold is 99% of what's wrong with our offense" arguments were stupid. Fast forward to today, and we've just fired our offensive coordinator and are coming off the heels of one of the worst o-line performances in NFL history against Miami. Oh and our star WRs are still dropping passes.
  16. I mean there's a reason I compared the two beyond them being white. They're similar in a lot of ways. If people are pissed we didn't trade for Minshew then I'm just saying I expect that same energy for Heinicke. We should be arguably more upset since we already had him on our team and wouldn't even have had to provide any trade compensation. I get the "it would have been better than trading a 2nd, 4th, and 6th for Darnold" argument but it's not an either/or. I can judge each move on its own merits - the Darnold trade was a bad move in its own right, and trading for Minshew I think would be largely inconsequential and would still have us looking for a franchise QB. Also, I recall a similar "Say what you want about X QB but he has his team winning games" argument for Teddy Bridgewater on the heels of going 5-0 with the Saints filling in for Brees.
  17. The dude is basically Taylor Heinicke with a mustache. Better than what we have? Sure. Enough to get your jimmies all rustled? Doubtful.
  18. It’s hilarious how badly you guys wanna prop up Fields to validate your pre-draft crush lol. He doesn’t belong anywhere near the same company as Slater and Parsons. 58.1 completion %, 4 TDs, 8 INTs, 136 YPG passing, 25.9 QBR That’s absolutely abysmal. Yeah he’s a rookie and it’s very possible he could go on to have a good career, but that’s hardly a foregone conclusion. It blows my mind that people are crying about us passing him over after the rookie season he has had. The irony is that his stats are actually pretty darn similar to Darnold’s (worse actually in almost all categories) and yet one is the worst QB of all time and the other is a rookie sensation who we will regret passing over. Oh and probably the worst stat of Fields? He takes a sack on 13.5% of pass plays….13.5%….that’s insane. And before you preach about their terrible o-line, Andy Dalton has taken a sack on 5.1% of his pass plays for comparison. Again, Fields may go on to have a great career. I’m not calling him a bust by any means, I’m saying he’s had a pretty bad rookie season so the hype surrounding him right now is just weird and unfounded. Maybe if you’re comparing him against Zach Wilson (another Huddle pre-draft crush) then I guess he’s having an okay season?
  19. Anytime I dared suggest Brady was a part of the problem, you had people bending over backwards to defend him, even though he has done nothing to prove himself in the NFL. "Oh he's just been hamstrung by having terrible QBs his whole time here. There's no way he can be successful with the trash he's been working with". Remember the "Now it's obvious Darnold was the cause of 99% of our offensive problems" narrative that was so popular after last week's win? Yeah, not looking so good now. Now that Brady has Cam Newton, it'll be interesting to see some people *cough* CRA *cough* stuck between a rock and a hard place in deciding who he wants to attribute blame to between Brady and Cam if our offensive struggles continue. I'm ecstatic Darnold is out of the picture, not only because he's been bad, but because we don't have to hear the stupid "all Darnold's fault" narrative where people dig their head in the sand and pretend our playcalling hasn't also sucked and our o-line isn't a turnstyle. You can say Brady is still limited for now while Cam is learning the playbook, but there's no excuse for CMC only having 10 carries.
  20. He’s rated worse than Matt Paradis at PFF. If I were to theoretically go through your post history…would I see you heaping praise on Paradis for his play this season?
  21. I mean, out of the rampant negativity on the boards after today’s loss…that seems like a rather tame one to single out no?
  22. Lol Linville getting triggered and projecting it onto someone else, well I completed my Bingo card for the night! Thanks buddy.
  23. I mean "CAMEO" is literally written in giant letters at the bottom left of the screen, it didn't sound like something that was intended to be hidden. I was more bringing awareness to the service for others in the thread - clearly people were in awe of this shoutout and the dude I specifically quoted sounded particularly excited about the prospect of something like a birthday shoutout so I offered up insight into how he can acquire something like that if he was interested. Sounds like a lot of people would be interested in this. I'm surprised apparently no one has heard of Cameo before. I'd be willing to bet the OP probably already knows it's a Cameo as his first question to his wife was probably "How in the hell did you manage this?". Sounds like you're suggesting he should be less excited about it knowing that it's a paid service, which appears to be your opinion that you are projecting onto others including the OP. Newsflash: unless you're creating something by hand, you're just forking over money for a product or service, which probably accounts for the vast majority of birthday gifts. That doesn't make it less special or thoughtful. Still a lot of thought goes into a gift like this, as his wife clearly knows he's a huge Panthers/Smitty fan and also included a write-up with more context, like how OP has a Smitty jersey in his office. Very thoughtful gift, which is exactly what I said in my post. But I apologize for offending you on OP's behalf.
  24. I don't mean to cheapen this gift cause it's very awesome and thoughtful, but this is through a service called "Cameo" where you can pay celebrities to make videos/shoutouts for you or someone else. So it really is pretty easy lol but definitely not cheap....I just checked and Steve Smith charges $165 per video. That's pretty insane.
  25. I don't get why this is triggering so many people. What Ron did to Cam is already done...that hate is justified. But this just seems like him basically admitting his mistake in mishandling Cam.
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