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Everything posted by MasterAwesome

  1. Let’s see if Baker can do what the other two couldn’t: actually put together a game-winning drive.
  2. Uhhh…are you gay? Otherwise why should anyone care whether or not you’re personally offended by hate speech that isn’t even directed at someone like you? Imagine a white guy being like “I don’t get what’s the big deal about the n word? You can call me that and I wouldn’t even care one bit! People are too soft these days smh”.
  3. It's way easier to win with a coach who makes poor roster decisions than with a coach who doesn't know how to coach. All you have to do is take the unilateral roster management out of his hands, or at least institute some roster oversight, which we seem to have with Fitterer and Morgan now. I'd say Rhule mostly falls in the former category of a coach who has been a victim of his own terrible personnel decisions - Sam Darnold, Joe Brady, etc. I think it's still TBD whether Rhule can actually coach or not, since the aforementioned terrible roster decisions have been so overpowering that it makes the coaching aspect more difficult to evaluate. I'll feel comfortable making a decision one way or another by mid-way through this season. There are no excuses this year - either produce or GTFO.
  4. Brandon Beane was already snatched up by Buffalo 2 months before Gettleman was fired. Truly horrible timing, as we were clearly grooming Beane for a GM role (we just didn't know it was for a different team). It seems unlikely that Brandon Beane would normally have been on any team's radar...why would an Assistant GM to Marty Hurney of all people? But I think we can thank Sean McDermott for that, who clearly thought highly of Beane while they were together in Carolina. It reminds me of the Harrison Butker situation too. We stashed him on our Practice Squad - it seemed like we were trying to take our time and groom him to take over as our starter down the line. Then another team came and snatched him up and was willing to pull the trigger to take a chance on an unproven entity. You gotta be bold and take some risks in this league; you can't just sit around and take your time and pussyfoot around in hopes that things will fall in place.
  5. It also illustrates how silly it is to be dismissive any time we sign or trade for a player from a losing franchise. It's always "wow what are we thinking trying to emulate a losing franchise". There's a reason the Bills are called "Panthers North" lol they routinely snatch up our sloppy seconds year after year after year. The difference is that they have a coaching staff who can seemingly develop raw talented players and put them in a position to succeed - that's what we seem to be sorely lacking so far. Oh and a superstar QB doesn't hurt...that definitely helps to mask some terrible moves like trading a 3rd for Kelvin Benjamin and signing Vernon Butler to a 2-year $15 million contract (truly some sloppy seconds).
  6. Hey go easy on Josh Allen, he’s got Joe Brady for a QB coach.
  7. I can respect what you were going for with that, but it was an extremely lazy and half-assed analysis to do that solely for our team and not for any of the other teams you conveniently blindly referenced as having the 32nd, 31st, etc. ranked rush offenses who we played against. What if the 32nd ranked rush offense played against every one of the top 10 rush defenses? Unless you evaluate every team the same way you evaluated the Panthers and then create some kind of standardized composite grade for each one (which I wouldn't expect you to do, but you opened the door for that), then your assessment is kinda useless no offense. I think you recognized that, which is why you quickly pivoted from a statistical analysis to the "oh I trust my eyes over statistics" defense.
  8. This argument is confusing because you're first laying the groundwork about how statistics can be misleading and skewed and that there are other factors that can contribute to these statistics that help better explain them. But then at the same time, you're also doing what you said not to do, and blanketly referencing statistics to support an argument in your last paragraph. So just to be clear: can we not trust the statistic that identified us as the 8th best run defense (at least in terms of YPC) but we can trust these statistics assigning our opponents the 32nd, 31st x2, etc. rush offenses? No need to consider all these other factors that could provide a comprehensive explanation for these low rankings for opposing rush offenses?
  9. I know this was meant as some kind of snarky jab lol, but ironically yeah that's actually a good example. Considering I made my account over 10 years ago where I simply used my Xbox Live gamertag I made when I was a teenager who did think he was way cooler and funnier and more important than he was (as most teenagers do), then yes like naming yourself "MasterAwesome". But I don't think we have that many actual teenagers in here, only grown men who act like them.
  10. A psychiatrist would have a field day with some of you. Some real 'delusions of grandeur' energy in here.
  11. From "it is refreshing this new regime is not afraid to move on quickly" to "it fits a pattern of overall impatience with this regime" is such a wild 180 lol.
  12. We basically flipped Perryman for Cade Mays (the 199th OVR pick we got from the Raiders). Very much TBD whether that was a good or bad decision. Personally, I'd rather have a promising rookie OL prospect on a cheap contract for the next 4 years, but if you'd prefer an oft-injured 29 year old LB who, best case scenario, would've resulted in one or two more wins for our team and simply hurt our draft position during an uncompetitive rebuilding year...then like that's your prerogative bro.
  13. I'm confused...pretty much everyone across the board highlighted our run defense as one of their biggest concerns going into the season. Now we sign a veteran run defense specialist to replace an underperforming late round DT and people are upset?
  14. Only to those people who are keeping an updated spreadsheet on who to arbitrarily assign credit/blame to for each individual roster move lol.
  15. Are you always this pissed off about Practice Squad signings? Saunders by all accounts had a very strong training camp to where many of us thought he was poised to make the 53-man roster. So if you're shocked that he made the Practice Squad, then you clearly weren't paying any attention to any of the practice threads where reporters were continuously tweeting about Saunders catching everything thrown his way. He also returned a punt against the Bills for 23 yards so I'm not sure why you're referencing a punt return from last preseason. I couldn't care less if he looks like a kid out there if he's giving us 23-yard returns.
  16. I'm also very confused by what point he's trying to make...but my best guess is that he's refuting your claim that Baker always "backs up" what he says. "If he states something, he owns it and backs it up" is what you said, and he provided a couple examples of how Baker talked trash but ended up losing the game. Which has absolutely nothing to do with anything lol. Baker "owning" what he said is the relevant portion to 99% of this thread about Baker vs. the reporter.
  17. We really got people who can't even acknowledge that we could win the South this year? this is a pretty mild claim. The competition for the South on paper should be the weakest it has been in several seasons. Should we be favored to win the South? No...but could we win the South? Definitely, and it wouldn't exactly take that many things to go our way.
  18. This is pretty clearly a brand new package. Unless you're suggesting they used to have a free all-inclusive food/drinks pre-game event.
  19. Why not make the same argument for something like lower level vs. upper level seating? Should we make every ticket at BOA stadium the same price (or free) and reserve lower level seating for families and diehards? And stick all the corporate people in the upper levels? It’s one of those things that sounds nice in a utopian philosophical sense, but it’s so far out of touch with how things actually operate in this country (*cough* capitalism). This just sounds like such a routine business practice. Same thing as Taylor Swift or w/e offering backstage VIP passes for thousands of dollars. Her diehard little kid fans would probably “get the most out of it”, but is she evil for offering a package like that?
  20. Whatever name is in front of our stadium barely registers on my list of franchise priorities that concern me. I don't think the Ericsson -> BOA switch affected my life in any way.
  21. For some reason I'm concerned the surgeon may have dropped the scalpel a few times.
  22. Such an eloquent post about poop ahead of our Week 1 match against the Browns? *Gasp* could it be…….Super Bowel confirmed?
  23. He also seemed to do a good job picking up the blitz. Or at least on that one individual play from the Bills game that stuck out lol. Coaches love that from a RB.
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