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About RevJ

  • Birthday 12/17/1962


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  1. Thomas will make just under $2 million per reception and over $3/4 million per yard gained. I don't have NC Statutes at hand but it seems like this should be illegal.
  2. I believe raccoons are one of those things that fit under "the more you chew it, the bigger it gets" category.
  3. I agree with playing younger players as available. I also appreciate the (6) for those of us who cannot count . . .
  4. The throw to XL was crazy good, LB/DB for Raiders shocked he threw it, much less completed it
  5. Should put Bryce in the luxury box. If he got his docile demeanor up enough to be upset, he still couldn't have thrown the drink far enough to get out of the box.
  6. Robert Hunt would have been there but they counted LB he threw down as an Interception / incomplete pass /spiking an opponent in the field of play
  7. Pretty sure that Dalton and his Horned Frog fellow alumni would not be pleased with the "Longhorns"
  8. Minshew tugging on his inside shoulder pads like Bryce does. Must be the universal symbol for "wish I was anywhere but here"
  9. Sorry, Bryce doesn't have enough arm for a 12 yard out
  10. Somebody thought it was time for dancing with the stars
  11. That's not a bad idea. As long as he doesn't give up on the play and scramble before he hands off
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