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Everything posted by CBDellinger

  1. I dunno why this discussion is still going on. Burn does not want to be here. Can’t sign a guy that doesn’t want to sign.
  2. They got away from the idea of maintaining through the entire process. If the player has control and is down by contact they want it to be a catch because he play is over at that point. and yes, Cotchery caught it.
  3. It was ruled a catch on the field… he had control and was down in bounds and the ball only popped out during contact after he was out of bounds. That’s a hard one to over turn. If they had called it a non catch in the field I think that would have stood as well. Wasn’t conclusive either way on review so it stands.
  4. It’s takes time form players to develop… even 1.01 picks. That’s just reality. Today it looked like the game is finally slowing down for BY.
  5. If your qb is completing 65% of his passes with a pass chart peppers the field you’re gonna have a chance to win a lot of games. if the d could have gotten a stop there at the end I think 9 woulda won the game.
  6. I’ll believe it when he hires someone to make the big decisions.
  7. I bet you wish you could take this back.
  8. I really think the issue is that Burns doesn’t want to be here anymore. And I don’t blame him.
  9. this was prob done as a favor to the player. it gives him an opportunity to sign with a potential playoff team. no reason to hold a guy like that hostage.
  10. So now Bryce is growing his hair out to hide his true stature... just when you thought the takes couldnt get any dumber this one comes along. Dear Lord help us all.
  11. cause idiots like Skip Bayless get on TV and use it as a condescending term.
  12. Eject him from the planet, that’s hilarious!
  13. Yeah, until one peeps the Chargers cap situation. Yikes.
  14. Don’t let the facts get in the way, yall.
  15. His ability to manage the personalities in that locker room and bring them together is what made him what he was. The players loved him.
  16. Still the best coach we’ve ever had by far.
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