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Everything posted by CBDellinger

  1. One broken and the other is probably about to break. Flip of the coin btwn who will stay healthy this year.
  2. It was the Int where KB didn’t try to tackle the db. That’s what ruined Cam.
  3. Drew Brees was a 2nd rounder that sat his 1st year and he still struggled his 2nd year. Mike Vick sat almost an entire year as a 1st overall. 3rd round next to Carr maybe Matt Schaub is the best example. He sat most of his rookie year till Vick got hurt and went on to start as an NFL QB. No doubt that playing a QB right away is more of a product of HCs feeling the need to produce quickly or get canned. Its not because thats what best for the player.
  4. Corral is 3rd round QB... lol at all of you thinking he was gonna start this year. Furthermore sitting him for a year wont hurt him. And yes they will see plenty of him IN PRACTICE. Which is perfect. Throwing a mid round talent right into the fire is a great way to ruin a prospect.
  5. It could but it's gonna have to be more than just this. If his holding co was still largely calling the shots then it prob wont matter.
  6. I’d wager that Tepper and co have their ducks in a row and that the politicians in Rock Hill do not. Because business people tend to be good at business and politicians tend not to be good at anything that resembles business.
  7. That’s heartbreaking. I am so so sorry to hear that. I cannot imagine your pain.
  8. the one where he intentionally falls down? Sweet baby Jesus thats not even fair... I mean that DB has a family.
  9. That makes sense. I still have a hard time believing the plans for the rest of the infrastructure arent available. Project is just too big for them to be winging it.
  10. Thats a dream scenario. Hes a solution at LT for the next 10-15 years.
  11. Tepper would like the city to buy the land for a new stadium. Preferable the pipe and foundry location. The he can have the same deal he has now, his stadium on city property.
  12. Thats what Jensen said... Jerry Jones did the same thing when he built the Star. No govt money. Building a stadium isnt the same as a building a development in RH. Just from the way things look, meaning you physically go down there and look at it... they have already built a large chunk of infrastructure in that bridge alone. Someone is paying for it and if RH hasnt put up their part then most likely Tepper has footed the bill for well over a year.
  13. Wild part of this is that Tepper didnt even want the local govt of RH to be involved. Per Brent Jensen.
  14. They definitely have the plans. I mean... that giant bridge going over I-77 is more than halfway built.
  15. Agreed. I think he’s angling for the state to step in and they just might.
  16. So can you validate this OP? Got any creepy selfie pics where Rhule and 59 just happen to be in the background?
  17. Wonderful, dudes a bigger asshole than Tepper.
  18. The incentive deal states the City of Rock Hill would forgo all its property tax revenue from the Panthers project for up to the next 30 years. The Rock Hill School District would do the same for 75 percent of its revenue, and the county 65 percent. Property tax is the largest source of revenue in York County.
  19. They will certainly know what’s at stake if they don’t. Its times like these that I wish Darrin Gantt was able to really speak his mind.
  20. They absolutely knew that the city of rock was over leveraged and would have issues getting the bonds at a reasonable rate. It was talked about in the media b4 the deal was made.
  21. Tax payer funded stadiums and sports facilities are scam. They rarely produce enough to make it worthwhile. People over estimates the value of a sports team in their city. A baseball team playing 81 home games has as much impact as a mid sized dept store. The money is all in the TV deals. I agree about it being a boondoggle tho. And the state level is exactly what Tepper is after. And it'll prob happen because the project is so far along and Tepper would prob bankrupt Rock Hill if he goes after them to recoup the 170 mil he says he has in it.
  22. Yall are crazy if you think the nfl is gonna let Tepper move the team outta this market. Even crazier to think he wants to move outta this market.
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