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Everything posted by CBDellinger

  1. My take from today is that both Stroud and Young have what it takes to be top 5 qbs in the league…. Provided they are surrounded by adequate talent.
  2. A heave? Come on. This isn’t Aaron Brooks we are talking about. He has no base to throw. It’s all arm strength and he puts it on a dime. Something not a lot of players can do. But he did it at Bama a bunch.
  3. The Plays were in a lot faster today and the huddle was being broken around the 17 sec mark with a 25 clock. Big improvement there.
  4. But but but his arm strength??? remember when u said that ad nauseam? here it is… try this in ur backyard and lmk how it goes. https://x.com/scoutdnfl/status/1718686927216414893?s=46&t=jd8HHtSduJ48HZz9hHA3Sg
  6. last winning season was 2017... what are we supposed to be waiting for?
  7. Exactly, maybe even a FUTURE 6th or 7th! But you know, fans love draft picks... till they turn into players.
  8. On the whole it is... you'll have some exceptions. Most of them come in so under developed at route running it takes them a little while to hone their craft, especially guys drafted outside the 1st round.
  9. It takes most WRs 2-3 years to come into their own. Give him a solid off season to work on his craft before passing judgment.
  10. Why Trade Burns midseason when we stand to get more for him in the off season?
  11. He’d have no problem pushing back against a guy like Tepper.
  12. I'd raise the bridge, file down the nut and take the buzz of out the low "E."
  13. What a joke. He can seek a trade all he wants, no one is trading for this guy.
  14. I dont wanna extend him. I wanna let the next year play out and see how he does. Hopefully they sign a legit corner opposite of him. Sleepy and Donte "Toast" Jackson aint it.
  15. hes cheap and if he gets healthy and balls out you have the option for another year at an affordable rate. he doesnt hold much trade value at this point, why create another hole on the roster and eat his dead money?
  16. No it wouldn’t be prudent to trade our only corner who also happens to still be on his rookie deal with a 5th year option. Keep him and sign someone legit opposite him.
  17. Think about what Voth said at the beginning of he year, that he would have tempered expectations. Big Tepp wanted them to sell big expectations. What an awful work environment.
  18. Hilarious but wildly unprofessional on 89s part.
  19. I think they are looking to trade but dont want people to think they are looking to trade so as not to seem desperate, which they clearly are and have been for some time. Its some real 007 type subterfuge from Big Tepp.
  20. valid question but the cost was a 1 a 2 and dj moore. the other 1 was a swap.
  21. Imagine if you ran an nfl team using this mentality… the results would be hilarious.
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