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Everything posted by CBDellinger

  1. he also not gonna get the same deal he has here with having his stadium on govt owned land and massive tax breaks on the building he owns. its set up for $ucce$$.
  2. he was asked about it directly. he dint bring it up... he was leaving the podium when Jensen insisted on asking him about it. Tepper is bad enough on his own, no need to make it worse.
  3. amazing that the presser just ended minutes ago and people are already twisting and falsely reporting what he said. believe him or not thats one thing... but he said what he said.
  4. No. He said he allowed them scouts and coaching staff to make a decision on who to draft and that he supported both of their decisions and that is was unanimous btwn the coaches and scouts. He went onto say that if he wanted to he could have vetoed the decision but that he did not. He also took responsibility for the franchises failures since he bought the team.
  5. Takes time for players to develop and people grow impatient quickly when a players costs more capital than usual.
  6. I’m sorry sleepiness got the best of me… $600 mil with big Tepp matching… $1.2 bil renovation. Dudes not moving.
  7. The city is about to give him $600k to renovate boa. He’s not moving the team.
  8. Just goes to show how much of a joke this franchise has become.
  9. No question about it. He absolutely brought the info to SI. And they put other writers on it to insulate him and some of our local beat writers. Only question is what motivated him at that time to do it?
  10. So you think that was what led to the SI hit piece? I’ve always thought it was the Jordan Rodrique /Cam fiasco just because of the timing. Maybe not tho?
  11. Wasnt Staley the assistant head coach? Thats why he had to go. Too close to Reich to keep him, just like Snow last year.
  12. and so are a lot of other qbs esp when the first come in the league b/c they didnt do it in college.
  13. 100%. Often its just about someone getting an opportunity. There will be plenty of suitors and they wont care about BY or the myriad of other problems. They will only believe in themselves, their ability to fix it and produce a winner.
  14. We goosed the hell outta Nicole at Rhules presser in the bubble.
  15. It could easily get worse and it probably will. I fear we are in for many years of hiring and then firing with the the intent of "fixing things" and "doing it right this time".
  16. More charts more graphs more numbers more more more…
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