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Everything posted by CBDellinger

  1. In regards to football operations... thats exactly what they do. They dont have a choice. A 5% share doesnt override the guy that owns the majority. They'd just tell him to take his money and go elsewhere.
  2. No, this is how it is. There not enough time btwn the drat and the start of the season to prepare a rookie qb to start and fix his mechanics. By the time the draft has happened half of the offseason is gone. And the player still has to move, get settled etc... Mechanics is months and months of daily work to develop muscle memory. You cannot do both, its one or the other. Just not enough time.
  3. Running a football operation isnt easy... theres some science to it and some luck... and you gotta have both on your side to be successful. If it were easy we wouldt have all these butt teams year in and year out.
  4. Minority owner that had no say in football operations at all... thats like me owning stock in coke, doesnt mean I know how they make the products.
  5. You just need to wait for it to load (10 seconds or so) after you paste it into the reply box.
  6. why would we lose leverage? Devonte tried that and the packers got a 1st and a 2nd round pick for him.
  7. The dysfunction in that organization is crazy. I am glad its getting called out publicly.
  8. Well we wont have to see Tank Dell highlights for the rest of the year…
  9. All Scotty wants for Xmas is Kevin Colbert as GM.
  10. Agreed. It’s bad. I’m happy he’s getting roasted by the media tho. He deserves it.
  11. I think you can believe whichever parts you want to or don’t want to believe… but ultimately it all speaks to dysfunction… massive dysfunction that starts with the owner(s).
  12. they have already allocated the money stream for it here in CLT. 600 mil from the city & 600 mil from Big Tepp ($1.2 Bs) to renovate BOA.
  13. ahahahahaaaaaa!!! prob did it whilst sitting in the the vip cuck lounge.
  14. when your team is 1-10 with an irate owner they are throwing everything they can at the issue.
  15. It happens all the time tho. The scouting dept scouts their own team too. its just another tool, one that should not be wasted.
  16. If Fitts stays on this might explain how he was able to save his own neck.
  17. The problem is Frank himself said otherwise. He got to pick his own staff and money was not an issue.
  18. Its not crazy that texas might get a 3rd team.. but thinking Tepper is gonna uproot the team because hes been a miserable owner for 5 years in absurd. The has plenty of good rea$on$ to $tay here.
  19. he also not gonna get the same deal he has here with having his stadium on govt owned land and massive tax breaks on the building he owns. its set up for $ucce$$.
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