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Everything posted by CBDellinger

  1. Anyone recall what John Fox told Steve Smith??
  2. Shoulda just named them the Washington assh0les. Prefect fit for old Snyder.
  3. I too wish this would happen but it’s just not going to. No reason for him to not stay in pitts if he wanted to continue working in football.
  4. I’d trade burns in a heartbeat and I like the guy. But he’s just an asset and he’s worth now more than ever. Plus he is gonna want to get paid after next year. I don’t think he is worth a 1. Maaaaybe a 2 this year and future 3 but even that is likely steep.
  5. look a that chart in the link above... how many coaches will want inherit THAT?
  6. https://twitter.com/arjunmenon100/status/1481686984854695938?s=20
  7. I think Tepps hands are tied. We only have a few picks, the cap isn’t in great shape and the offense needs a total overhaul. Not many head coach candidates that want to inherit that in year one.
  8. They had to go get him from his house at one point cause he wouldn’t come into the facility. Rumors he was gonna just retire. Guy has baggage like Louis Vuitton.
  9. They were talking about his play on the field too… slow, gets smoked on double moves, doesn’t pay attention, hates to tackle, disinterested in football. Dilla and the Duval crew were happy to see him go.
  10. Dont get your hopes up. The fans in Jax nicknamed Henderson "Sleepy" for a reason.
  11. thats a crazy number. never ever give a RB a 2nd contract. just draft another one in round 3.
  12. Pffft… Porn hub doesn’t have a message board. Or so I have heard!!
  13. He presided over a 1-15 season, 4-12 and 2-14 season during his time as owner. Never had back to back winning seasons. Feuded with a head coach in a lame duck season where he gutted the roster to prove a point and had a murder for hire scandal in the building. Marty Hurney!! It’s a tallest midget debate at best. Richardsons got no room to talk.
  14. Partially disagree. I think he wants to win help the bottom line and stroke his ego. But he bought the panthers because he knew there was/is an opportunity to make money in this market. In a state where gambling has yet to become legal, he could see the teams evaluation jump significantly when it is finally legalized. Which it will be. Not to mention the development opportunities surrounding the team facilities in clt and sc. This was a calculated move, an excellent business decision. A place where he can make major gains with much less risk than the hedge fund which on more than one occasion took significant losses of 20% or more. Nfl is a cash cow.
  15. What is he really gonna say? The team was worse than this, on more than one occasion, under his rule.
  16. He’s taken some huge losses along the way. Been down 20% or more at least 3 times.
  17. So what? later that week he was sitting in the stands at boa stadium watching preseason football like a normal dude. if he wanted to be involved with football he would be.
  18. Ok, lemme re do this… Would you stick around to help with a rebuild that requires you to be gone 4-6 moths outta the year after that very same org switched to a 3-4 scheme (per the owners request) that doesn’t favor your skill set all the while having major concussion concerns??? Not to mention you’re a huge fishing guy in the midst of his fishing prime with enough Ms in the bank to live comfortably for damn ever and fish anywhere you want,
  19. Would you stick around for a total rebuild after the team switched to a 3-4 scheme (per the owners request) that doesn’t favor your skill set all the while having major concussion concerns??? Not to mention having enough Ms in the bank to live comfortably for damn ever.
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