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  1. Most dudes cheat down. It’s wild.
  2. It’s an Andre 3000 quote from the song “international players anthem” by UGK. https://youtu.be/awMIbA34MT8?feature=shared
  3. Seems like 89 could have handled this privately. Dudes prob pissed about his HoF snub and Cam drew his ire.
  4. Hell yeah brother. They provided some of my most cherished football memories. And as great as they were on the field they were just a great for our city and community. I’ll love them forever. #keeppounding
  5. It’s true. We need everything. Best defensive player available.
  6. The rams play in LA where 10 mil people live - it’s the largest market in the country. It doesn’t hurt that they won a Super Bowl recently. Theres nothing east about Dallas but Jones has wielded his power with the nfl to make sure his team is in a division with rivals that have some of the largest market shares in the nfl and play in the best prime time spots. They are always in the spotlight for better or worse. He makes moves like this that are absurd football wise but media wise pay huge dividends. Hes great at keeping the brand relevant. He bought the team for 140 mil and now it’s worth over 10 bil. I hate the cowboys and even more their fans but you gotta give the guy his due… Jerry Jones is a brilliant marketing strategist.
  7. The Deion fiasco would be more about headlines and staying media relevant than winning games. It sucks for the fans but it’s also how he made the Cowboys into the most valuable sports franchise in the world.
  8. That guy wasnt afraid to wield the ban hammer.
  9. scrambles dont necessarily result in rushing yards. a qb can scramble and still throw it.
  10. Reichs Monday morning meetings w/ Tepper = must see tv!!!
  11. This is where I'm at with Canales. Players didnt quit down the stretch and thats a ringing endorsement for him. Morgan did pretty good in FA last offseason shoring up the Oline... last years draft is still a big question mark tho. How he addresses the defense this offseason will tell us a lot. Overall I am optimistic. We finally have some continuity with the staff and roster. If they can get rid of the dead weight and add some talent we could have a competitive team next year.
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