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About CBDellinger

  • Birthday 08/16/1978

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  1. He will have more value before the draft than he does in season. That and the cap hit. Unless some team offers up a sweetheart deal then keep him... for now.
  2. Plenty of NFL examples. Belicheck played college ball but wasnt good enough for the NFL... he took an assistant coaching job outta college and wound up being the GOAT. Bill Cowher played in the NFL but wasnt a stud.. Andy Reid dominated the punt pass and kick competition and played a little bit of college ball but that was about it. There's plenty of other examples out there. The idea that you gotta be a good player to critique film is just a lazy take people use to discredit someone when they say something they dont like The reality is its less common to be a great player and a great coach. Its often one or the other.
  3. Chad is not in the HoF. Closest he ever came was that stunt with the jacket that show is all about Shay… Chads the obvious B side.
  4. Bro… that’s not a dark cloud it’s ur mom’s boobs! j/k I HAD too. Don’t trip or take it personally just a joke.
  5. It appears that Icky doesnt understand his assignment sometimes.
  6. Yall really wanna make every player and personality that said we suck recant just because we beat "The Raiduhs?" Tepper still blows and the org is still the laughing stock of the nfl, yall.
  7. Why would I log out. ... and what does this have to do with enjoying or not enjoying a win? Chad is one of those people that can safely be ignored since everything he does is rooted in narcissism. This "apology" is no different. Anyone listening to him before or after should find a better channel.
  8. why does anyone care what Chad Ocho Cinco thinks? Dude raced a horse with an insane head start and acted like it was a legitimate thing.
  9. Seriously... people want to give this dude a 3-4 year deal after one game. I hoping that once the booze wears off these folks will come to their senses.
  10. a 3-4 year deal for Andy Dalton? It was one game vs the Raiduhs, who are butt... no need to tie ourselves to an aging qb thats closer to 40 than not.
  11. Extend Dalton? Please no. There are better vet options we can build around that aren’t about to turn to dust.
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