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Everything posted by Wundrbread33

  1. ​Bout died the first time I saw this.
  2. ​Two things: 1. You brought up Steph Curry in this thread, so why are you surprised when people comment on that...in a Carolina Sports forum...where there are many Hornets fans... 2. Your Golden State homerism is obnoxious and what makes it worse is that you get off on the fact that our areas best talent was drafted by your team. You and yours posting Golden State threads in the "Charlotte Hornets" forum is borderline troll behavior, which I find odd coming from a mod. The messed up part is that I really enjoy most of your posts, but the Golden State stuff makes me cringe, especially the "stir the pot" posts about Curry. We get it, your team is great; they are having a wonderful year: but at this point, although I would love Curry to come to the Hornets, I would rather just see him on any other team than Golden State, if not for any other reason than to reduce the bandwagon Golden State crap on these forums. Cheers.
  3. Honestly, no matter how football smart they say this kid is, I can't get over the fact that he just makes dumb decisions. Now many of us did the same at his age for sure, but most of us didn't become multimillionaires, potentially opening up many new opportunities to get in trouble. Additionally, he has a solid arm but nothing special, a "Byron Leftwich" release, and his most recent season produced a 4/3 TD to INT ratio in a less than stellar conference. All this adds up to "overrated" in my book. I know they had to take a QB because the media said so and that's what the fans wanted, but I'm glad they didn't take the real BPA in Leonard Williams.
  4. ​That's a lot of money to spend on someone who can't play LT...
  5. ​Haha, that is true. I'm getting pumped about our receivers...but there is only one football to go around.
  6. Depends on your definition of "athleticism". IMO skill should not be mentioned. Focus on physical traits: size, strength, agility, accel, top line speed, leaping ability. Lebron is hard to beat. However what about a young Shaq? Now there is a player I don't think we see again. In his early years and his prime, we saw a guy would could run the floor with unique agility and play with power, while being 7'1" and between 300-330 pounds. How incredible was that?
  7. Honestly this thread should have been closed after the first reply.
  8. He is one of the hardest players to tackle in the league. He never goes down on first contact. His only problem is, like Dan Morgan, he goes hard every second and this leads to injury.
  9. Yes these two were both fast, but Carter was only fast. Gettis was a much better prospect all around, just one of the unfortunate ones that could not kick the injuries. I could understand the hype for him. Besides, there was a reason this organization kept him around year after year waiting on him to recover. You think that was just due to him being fast? Lots of guys are fast... I do agree the Byrd hype is a little crazy, but the kid had a great first impression. I look forward to seeing him in the preseason.
  10. Honestly, it could very well be emptiness after the celebration. I mean, what is left after winning the big game? Part of the fun is watching a team develop and realize its potential. That being said...we are due. Twenty years of trying to realize potential... ...We need our Super Bowl(s)...
  11. Religion has always historically been controversial. That is one reason why he gets media attention because he is so open about it. I personally believe the media loves to keep him around because he is a christian role model in sports, and he is a human being that, like all of us, makes mistakes... They are waiting for a big mistake; a moment of moral weakness, to break a career making story. The media loves failure...because the viewers love seeing successful people fail. Imagine, "The Golden Calf of Bristol arrested for soliciting a prostitute!" Something like that would generate clicks/views which = $$$
  12. Kind of reminds me of Ryan Broyles. This kid is a little taller I suppose. I really liked Broyles. Hated him being a Mizzou fan. He ran great routes, great hands. Intangible kind of guy with a small frame. Injuries and the Lions being deep at receiver seem to have limited his career however. Always have to worry about injuries with the little guys.
  13. I swear, people love PFF when it supports their point, but condemn it when it doesn't. (General observation, not directed at anyone in particular.) I agree with those like this pickup though. The kid has the tools. Offensive line has always been about technique and the ability for the unit to communicate and develop chemistry. The best lines never have five first rounders out there. Just bring in variety, then find the best fit of five guys.
  14. It makes no sense to me how Mark Barron hasn't excelled. If you start your career for such a stable organization with exceptional coaching and surrounding talent, how could you fail?
  15. What happened was Tom Brady torched "the best defense of all time in the whole wide world ever in the history of mankind" with properly inflated balls.
  16. Very poor effort down the stretch. No effort = an undersized SG getting put back dunks.
  17. Dude would be a millionaire regardless, but Hurney and the Panthers gave him 2-3 times more than what he was worth. He made out like a bandit, and then he gets all vindictive? Get out of here.
  18. Anyone that has been cut from a team or fired from a job knows that it hurts...however, if the team/job I got cut from GROSSLY OVERPAID ME for what I produced...I would have to think twice before getting bitter about things. I'd say in the grande scheme of things...D Will was treated very well, and because of this, he is set for life. Also, I have had family members pass, and not once in any job I have had, has a higher up attended the funeral. I can only think of one funeral I have been to PERIOD where the boss of the closest affected showed up. Maybe that is just me, but this is very childish of him. Perhaps if he broke more than 2-3 tackles per year, we wouldn't be having this conversation.
  19. See this is lazy reporting. DGB ALLEGEDLY pushed that girl down the stairs. He was not charged with anything and the "victim" didn't talk to the police. If someone pushed me down the stairs...I'm talking about it. I'm sure this will be regurgitated to death as well. ...and I'm waiting for the, "DGB is a drug lord so the victim kept her mouth shut," conspiracy theorist post.
  20. I still don't understand how the word of a coked up gold digger held any weight at all. That makes sense.
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