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Everything posted by Wundrbread33

  1. Let’s let Bryce become middle of the road before discussing “great”.
  2. It sounds cliche and vague, but we really are missing consistency and culture. The right hire fixes this. Wilks brought the culture back, but I understand the argument that his ceiling may not have been good enough. That being said, we all saw how much he helped the team by being a consistent leader who held people accountable. Which candidate can do this for us?
  3. Player vote > Writer vote Cam’s opinion > Kimberly Martin’s opinion
  4. Xavier Woods is so undertalked about. Love that guy. Never seen a dude get more penalized for perfectly timed hits on receivers. Tough, plays hard, good instincts: hard hitter that doesn’t compromise too much in coverage.
  5. People going back and forth on whether this is a good defense or terrible one. I just say GOOD LUCK evaluating this defense; it was paired with the most unwatchable offense in franchise history. Brian St. Pierre was more memorable.
  6. No, Stroud in all likelihood isn't lighting the league on fire if he’s a Panther this season. But his play wouldn’t leave us wondering if he can make it in the league.
  7. I disagree going all in. What we gave up for him shouldn't matter (although it will). I don’t know how a coaching staff could feel confident going “all in”. He needs competition in camp, and it should be a real competition.
  8. Well it’s not that they lie, but they only tell part of a bigger story. That being said, Bryce has been cheeks. All his fault? No. But the delusion in here are the “everyone but Bryce” crowd. He literally touches the ball every offensive play. We need a QB competition next camp.
  9. It took a busted play with Chark 8+ yards open for Bryce to do anything positive. Need a plan B going into next year. I’d prefer if Bryce was plan B though.
  10. I don’t hate Baker, and I’m glad he has bounced back from this poo show. I won’t say I’m rooting for him, but when we lose I’ll be happy for him. He was a good teammate here.
  11. Not sure but I want a coach that has the guts to play the best QB on the roster regardless of politics.
  12. I looked at the TV right when Stroud threw that 75 yard dime (60-65 air yards I think), and my first thought was “Bryce could never…”
  13. Just because Dan Morgan worked with Fitterer, doesn’t mean he would be Fitterer again. I want a clean slate too, but for all we know, Morgan may end up being a good GM; here or elsewhere. “Internal support” is so vague. Could just be people trying to save their jobs. Could be people who saw Morgan making a lot of sense in team meetings. Someone mentioned this before, but if Morgan is the type to stand up to Tepper when needed…that’s a requirement if we are going to have any success. Impossible to say if that is true though. I’d be shocked if a strong GM is hired.
  14. In all seriousness…probably just time. Only 17 games per year with a long wait between the (hope filled) draft and week 1. Some of the stink will be replaced with unjustified optimism.
  15. It won’t happen, but the new staff needs to consider QB’s at each stage of the draft, and they need to evaluate Young independent of his draft day. If Corral played all year like this, no one would be comfortable running that back. This (on paper) is a talented QB class, and there will be value outside of the 1st. Guys who can make all the throws too.
  16. The ceiling seems so low it would help the franchise if he fails harder, faster, and completely. No one hates the panthers here. We hate the team sucking.
  17. Unfortunately people are obsessed with Youngs college highlights and big brain, that they can’t realize he’s a 3rd day talent.
  18. If Bryce was a 5th rounder, no one would want to run it back with him. He will show that 1st round QB’s having longer careers isn’t only about talent. He will be QB1 next year off draft status alone.
  19. You aren’t being told this. They are a decent unit though, and haven’t been why this team has sucked the past 5 years.
  20. I’ll be honest…I don’t even know the rule anymore. Like is it over when his butt touches the ground? When a part of him touched out of bounds? At what point is it irrelevant to maintain possession of the ball? I’m fine with whatever, but when you see multiple plays just like this over the years, and it is called inconsistently…then I just don’t know what the hell to think anymore.
  21. It’s always the guy retaliating that gets the personal foul. At one time, that was understandable. In 2023…it isn’t anymore. You have cameras everywhere. Review the tape, and give the personal fouls penalties to the people who deserve it. But that’s if you actually care about personal fouls and player safety.
  22. In the end, if he learns from his mistakes, and eventually we get a winning culture, all will be forgiven.
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