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About Jmac

  • Birthday 02/10/1957

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  1. Maybe loosing the GF was the thing???? /s
  2. Every draft they should take at least one. Can never go wrong doing that and stock piling road graders. Bryce needs to stay vertical and not pounded into the ground. Our backs need push and holes to run through. Best game plan is to plan for injuries and be able to slot someone in to take up the slack. Time to draft smart and prepare for the inevitable.
  3. This season was lost anyway. Wait till next season with the tantum of Hubbard and Brooks... you will be singing a different tune
  4. No one in their right mind expected a winning season. The best case scenerio was 4 or 5 wins total. Most important thing was to make QB #1 prove he can do the job. Wins are something to reach for after they build the team back up. They have a boat load of draft picks next season. If they choose wisely in the draft and FA, that would put them in the drivers seat. Some have said two or three productive drafts would be needed to be competitive, I don't agree. If Bryce keeps up his progress and they choose wisely, it could be a drastic turn around in 2025. The division is weak. It seems like many NFL teams are struggling. Have to strike while the iron is hot, so to speak. This season is over for us and has been for a while. Next year can be a different story.
  5. Don't worry....the Bucs will get smashed in the playoffs. They suck too
  6. We are not the worst team.....but we still suck and at the bottom half of the totem pole.....hopefully next season we will be much better.
  7. Canales needs to stop with the pussified crap and use his running backs and Oline....
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