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Everything posted by Navy_football

  1. Don't think the Browns are in as dier need for a QB as some think around here. Manziel will be the starter within a couple of games and never look back.
  2. Exactly! I don't think the Panthers were that low in pass rankings though, but you know who probably was - the Super Bowl winners - Seattle Seahawks. They led the league in rushing and had one of the highest positive turnover margins in recent history. Pretty sure they had the fewest pass attempts as well. So, the oline and dline must remain healthy this season to win with this formula. KK and Star have become so much more important now.
  3. And I don't think it's fair to compare stats between Luck and Newton. Totally different team philosophies. One geared towards the QB play. And another geared towards defense and ball control offense.
  4. Luck is a great talent - no doubt. But for the entertainment value, I would rather have Cam. I mean that is why we watch the games right? Entertainment. Wins and losses shouldn't dictate a fan's ability to be entertained by a game.
  5. Bad work ethic did him in. Phenomenal athlete. Just liked hanging out with his friends back home too much.
  6. I don't know. Mary Anne was a beast! The original whooty!
  7. Boy... That got me in the feels. Must be too much dust in my eyes.
  8. Agreed, it really is. Sent from my XT1080 using CarolinaHuddle mobile app
  9. I'm sure it's not because of Luke's reflection. I stalked him from first... Sent from my XT1080 using CarolinaHuddle mobile app
  10. Nice picks! Can't wait for the padded practice evaluations. Sent from my XT1080 using CarolinaHuddle mobile app
  11. Easy to say when you're reading a scenario on a forum. Probably not as easy when it's right in front of you, happening to you. Everyone has their buttons and everyone has bad days. Put the two together, and anything could happen. But, I agree wholeheartedly that a man should never hit a woman. I'm just saying, I can think of a few scenarios where it's possible.
  12. That is pretty extreme. But it probably wouldn't take that much for most. Let's say you just got fired, or robbed, or lost your wallet, or slammed your finger in the car door... And go to pick up your 5 year old son from daycare, and you see a woman push him down because he was playing with her kid and tackling him in football. Well, you challenge her motives and she begins to argue with you. You're already pissed/hurt/injured before getting there, then the sight of anyone touching your kid is enough to make a man lose it, but she then has the nerve to argue with you and gets in your face and maybe mushes you or something really stupid like spit. Now, I'm not saying you should hit her. But, I am saying you might touch her with ill intent in some form or another.
  13. That's true - in theory. And every man should approach every woman that way. I completely agree with you. But in reality, there are scenarios for every man.
  14. You sir are correct. There's no way he fights for himself. If he loses, then Jaime will remain on the king's watch and never have an (official) heir to carry on the family name. Tywin ain't gonna let either scenario happen. Haha... the imp is the smartest mofo in the kingdom.
  15. I don't know. I think under the right circumstances, any of us could do it once. I think the differences are if you could do it repeatedly and how you feel about it afterwards. I actually slapped a young lady's glasses off her face on the school bus in the 7th grade. She provoked the hell out of me and it wasn't until she actually mushed me in the face that I responded, literally without thinking. It ate at me for weeks and I eventually apologized to her. I remember the incident like it was yesterday, even what she was wearing. And I'm a long way from the 7th grade now. I've never put my hands on another female in my life. But, in that one instance, I wasn't in the mood and she pushed all the wrong buttons.
  16. What?! Have you read the books? I love that dastardly imp! I know he'd sacrifice his brother just to spite his father and sister.
  17. Well played sir! So, off subject... does this mean Tyrion is planning to ask Jaime (the one handed king killer) to champion him?!!!!
  18. Could be mixing up players, but had in my mind for some reason. Then again, the older I get, the more I mix crap up in my mind.
  19. CJ is a team guy, but he is not one to renegotiate his contract. I think I remember him being asked before by Hurney, and he wouldn't. So, there's no way he'd take an actual pay cut, particularly with current events on his side. I didn't want to use leverage anymore - felt like Forest Whitaker's character on "Battlefield Earth"
  20. Not trying to run him out, I just want him to reduce his ridiculous cap hit. Unfortunately, I think CJ may have all the leverage now.
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