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Everything posted by Navy_football

  1. You guys are right. Bryce is just bad. CJ is a HOFer. Curse of the Black Cat.
  2. All 3 of those receivers would start for the Panthers - if Mingo wasn't drafted in the 2nd. He'd play because he's a 2nd rounder.
  3. Huh? Come on guy. I could show you a dozen plays where guys have dropped the ball or just couldn't get to catchable passes.
  4. It's not JUST the receivers. The playcalling is lacking too. He's asking guys to do things they can't do yet.
  5. I NEVER said that. I said his guys are open and he's finding them. He's playing very well. They were always 1a and 1b in the draft to me. Just who fits your offense.
  6. Bro. I've seen him put balls exactly where they needed to be and receivers couldn't make the play. He is throwing them open. They just aren't making plays yet. And meanwhile Houston has a fullback run back an 85 yard kickoff return for a TD.
  7. Are you watching the Texans' game? If you are and you don't see a difference in separation for receivers, then you have an ulterior motive. It's not even close. If you can't see his recievers making plays for him, then... well you just don't want to see it. Bryce is not perfect. He's made mistakes. But his surrounding cast hasn't really helped. Whereas CJ's guys are just making plays and contested catches.
  8. Howell threw it to the only covered reciever and got it picked. I know Bienemy is seething right now.
  9. You're right... I apologize for getting sucked in.
  10. That's just not true. He's not throwing into a bunch of tight windows all game. His guys are open and he's finding them.
  11. Stroud is gonna be good. Could argue he already is. I think Bryce will be too. Stroud has better talent around him, including playcallin. But no one cares about that. Not saying they should either.
  12. Snyder and that dude in Dallas are exceptions. That's why Snyder is gone. He drove that storied franchise into the ground. Tepper is not Snyder. Not even close. No one is. Maybe ever.
  13. Because his skill set is better for this team and the offense they're running. Quick reads into constant tight windows wouldn't have been more appropriate for CJ, AR or Levi.
  14. When did we start blaming owners for bad offenses? He isn't the GM or coach. He pays the bills. And Tepper will pay to bring in the best guys available. That's all you want in an owner. Rhule was a hot commodity when he came here. It didn't work. Tepper moved on before the contract was over. He payed Rhule to leave Carolina when it was obvious he wasn't the guy! And he's PAID for an all-star staff here now! That comes out of his bottom line. That ain't cap folks!
  15. Please stop. Bryce was the right pick. Say it with me. Bryce Young was the right pick. That doesn't mean he'll have the better career. Takes a team to WIN. But he was the right pick for this team and this offense. Just need a little more creativity in getting these receivers open. They are not able to consistently do it on their own.
  16. Agree! No one's biting on comebacks, curls, double moves, etc. when there's no fear of getting beat deep. Maybe the Falcons and Saints just have really good secondaries, but they've been disrespectful with allowing Panther receivers to break their cushion. Total disregard for deep routes. Total. Heck our receivers can't even give good moves on the lateral routes either. If you don't have good straight line speed and you're not quick laterally, it's gonna be tough to beat guys in the NFL.
  17. This was always the goal. I think expectations changed as the season started because we want to see our team win games. This is a process that will take a year or 2 before we see real improvement in the wins column. New QB. New staff. New wide receivers. New RBs. New TEs. Bryce ain't THE problem. He's what we thought he was. But just like any QB in the NFL, he can't win plays or games by himself. I just don't see how Brown is gonna learn to OC if you don't let him call plays. Reich should give up play calling and let the entire team develop, coaches included. I think we're gonna see a different Panthers by like week 10-12 if everyone is given a real chance to develop. By then, we'll know who rides shotgun and who needs to take a backseat.
  18. Dang Scot! You gone hurt some feelings in here with that. I agree and I blame it on mainstream sports media with their clickbait titles and stances on "the topics of the day". Stewart Scott had no idea what kind of a monster he was creating. He was just trying to make it fun, and they took it over the top.
  19. Just because he CAN play, doesn't mean he SHOULD play. If Bryce isn't 100%, then it doesn't make sense for him to go out there and risk REAL injury. Good call by Reich. Honestly wish someone would have done this for Cam, but you know, Ron... The only problem I have with Reich right now is giving up the playcalling duties. It's not horrible, but it doesn't fit this team. And letting Thomas get a go at it can't possibly make things worse. Panthers are the worse passing offense in the NFL. Can't get worse than last. This is the perfect time to give Thomas a go at it, with Bryce out.
  20. Just go hire everybody that coaches and scouts WRs at Ohio State. Put them in charge of the next 2 drafts. Give them as many picks as they want. Bomb on the NFL for the next 5-10 years. Will probably lose every game 63-56 but at least it'd be fun to watch!
  21. Agree on the speedy WR element. It keeps defenses honest. Bates doesn't cheat down in the Falcons game if you have that guy. With all the big/tall first round receivers Hurney kept drafting for Cam's inaccuracy, things really turned around when Ginn entered the picture - well Ginn and a semi-competent offensive line.
  22. CJ and Bryce were always 1a and 1b. Just depended on what type of offense you wanted to run. I never bought into that clear cut #1 label. Reich wants quick decisions and getting the ball out within 2-3 seconds. Bryce is the better pick there. Unfortunately, these WRs aren't getting open on a consistent basis and Reich isn't calling plays that'll help them.
  23. Can't believe people making such a big deal out of that.
  24. Quiet dudes take a lot to get after you, but once they do it's hard to stop them. They smash until you stop moving.
  25. I don't know about the only one, but probably the BIGGEST one.
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