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Everything posted by Navy_football

  1. I'm going by what you said. You said you watched his snaps from YT. I'm not trying to win an argument. I'm just offering a different POV based on what I saw watching the games. You can choose to stay in Bryce is horrible mode if that's your choice. Stroud can be better than Bryce and Bryce can still be good. Those two things can be true at the same time. Just like Bryce could be just as good as Stroud but Bryce doesn't win any games. They can both exist at the same time.
  2. Bruh... How can I say this to get through to some of yall? Watch the game. The flow of the game. The timeliness of playcalling and big runs. Pass protection. Separation of receivers. It's different when you WATCH the game! Watch the game. Not the highlights and stat line. Watch the game! The game has a different feel than when you're just watching his throws or his highlights. If you WATCH the GAME!
  3. The Lions and the Dolphins score in bunches though. Legit super bowl contenders.
  4. Or never. His hand may have been forced here. Not throwing a bunch of screens to Thielen. Using Laviska more. Taking Zavala out of the lineup. Taking Ian out of the lineup as a pass catcher and using Tremble more. All changes are improving the offense, but they were forced on him. I'm getting a Rivera vibe with him.
  5. Again, the stats aren't telling the full story - at least not from what I watched yesterday. You can't watch the stat line and highlights to get the full story. There was a huge lean on the run on their scoring drives. Like they moved the ball down the field mostly from 5-10+ yards runs. May have been bad runs in places to give them a low average (didn't score alot), but they moved the ball on a few drives primarily from running it. Then, gave Stroud a chance to get it in the endzone once they were close. I watched the games simultaneously with the Sunday Ticket. It's really obvious when you watch both games at the same time. Stroud is really good for a rookie. I am not denying that. Never did. But he makes mistakes. He misses easy throws too. His timing is off at timeswhen the protection breaks down. But he's a rookie so that is to be expected. But the team picks him up all the time. He's throwing to guys that are actually open - alot. Not just NFL open, but OPEN OPEN. Watch the game. Just the scoring drives if you don't have much time. And tell me what you think about weapons and playcalling compared to what's here in Carolina.
  6. Playcalling was much improved yesterday and better protection than usual. There were a couple of pass plays when Bryce had all day to throw. But driving and down 28-14 on 3rd and 1, he called a pass play. Chuba was moving the sticks all day on short yardage. Then passed again on 4th and 1, to turn the ball over. That's the type of stuff that baffles me. If Bryce was supposed to choose the play, then they need to take that decision away from him.
  7. The game will be eye opening to anyone without an agenda. If you watch the Texans play, you'll easily notice that Stroud isn't asked to carry the team like Bryce is. If you just look at highlights and stats, then you don't really see how effective their run game is. You don't see how many gimme's CJ misses. You don't see the degree of separation his targets get, particularly compared to Carolina's receivers. They are in 2 completely different situations. I mean it's really not remotely the same, and an unfair comparison.
  8. RB carries, screens, jet sweeps, drags, slants, whip routes. That's all he'd do for me. But he'd get 10-15 touches a game. Every game.
  9. He has better vision than Chuba and Sanders (that ain't saying much) and he's more physical than Sanders. And he does have the ability to break a big play. We say that last year. I can't for the life of me understand why this guy isn't getting more touches. He isn't a pure WR but neither is Deebo, yet SF finds a way to get him involved every game because he's a playmaker. If a good player doesn't fit your scheme, then you adjust your frickin scheme for the good player!
  10. Can I go there? Have they made the movie yet? Guess not on the movie. In that scenario Cam is probably still winning MVPs and Lombardis. At least for another 5 years.
  11. So true! Rivera had the friggin chosen one at QB and decided to focus on defense instead. If he would have spent the resources to build around Cam rather than trying to improve his defense... That's why I wanted an offensive minded HC over a defensive one. Unfortunately Reich seems to be some mutt hybrid that can't/won't get out of his own way.
  12. If I was betting man, I'd be living in a box. I would have bet the farm on the Panthers that day. Vonn Miller ruined everything. Well Vonn and Shula. After ther first time, it NEVER should have happened again. Simple adjustment.
  13. And don't underestimate the role Chud plays. He could dial up plays to get guys open. Cam stood in there and made plays from the pocket (everyone thought he's run at the first sign of pressure), but guys would pop open.
  14. Agree that Cam was in a really good situation to succeed. Offensively, Moton would start when Otah was injured. Definitely over Bell. Honestly, Burns is a situational player on that team. He doesn't start over Hardy or Johnson. They're more complete DEs. Unless he played a different position. Luvu might start. Luke wasn't drafted until 2012. Brown would start too. Star and Short were drafted in 2013.
  15. I don't know about gamble, but he's brought some players to Carolina. Not his fault coaches don't use them properly or take full advantage. And yes, he's been on some bad deals too.
  16. I don't think Fitterer is doing THAT bad of a job. In my opinion, Reich needs to focus on managing the game on Sundays and stop trying to be a playcaller. Calling plays never ends once the opening kick off happens. You're constantly reviewing trends and formations to come up with solutions, and figure out how to force favorable match ups. How can he do all that and still manage the game as the HC. From the clock mismanagement, not knowing who's in the game (TMJ, Thielen and Chinn), leaving Zavala in there when there was an obviously better option on the bench, running Miles into the line when he's obviously injured or not comfortable between the tackles, not getting the ball to Laviska even though he's the best playmaker on the team, throwing screens to Ian and ignoring Hurst, etc... He's missing the big stuff because he's too much in the weeds trying to figure out the next play on offense. His job is to oversee every aspect of the game and offer expertise and guidance, even if that's just asking the right questions. Like, if TMJ led the team in receptions last week, why hasn't he played a down? If Chinn led the team in tackles/sacks last week, why is only playing 19% of the defensive snaps? I still have hope for Frank, but every week he forgoes his responsibilities as a HC on game days, so he can live out some fantasy of calling plays in the NFL, I lose more and more hope that he's the right guy. The team is missing his leadership on game days. That's a HC's most important role.
  17. Facemask. The ball literally hit him in has face. Right between the eyes.
  18. You have to give him 3 years. He isn't a bust, but more "not living up to the hype." I get why people are upset now. But he didn't pick himself. That's on the Panthers FO. He shouldn't have been the #1 pick, but he's a solid 1st round talent. Would have been better on a better team. I see his ceiling as a Drew Brees type of player with a little more escapability. He won't wow you but I think he'll be a very solid QB by end of next season, if his trajectory continues and the team improves. Better play design and playcalling will improve his performance more than anything. Then better weapons and finally better protection.
  19. Come on LG... are you being real or trying to win an argument? That OL was 10 times better. Chud was a much better playcaller. Smitty alone, even at 30+ was way better than any WR on this team now. A true #1 opens things up for everyone else. And Olsen and Shockey vs Hurst and Thomas? And double trouble vs Sanders and Chuba? Bryce is fine as a rookie. Maybe he isn't Stroud or Richardson. Maybe he isn't the savior we want him to be yet. But he's playing fine for the situation he's in now.
  20. I disagree. We have a rookie that's asked to carry an offense with his arm and he doesn't have the weapons or the protection to realistically be able to do that. Then he starts pressing and making mistakes trying to make plays since no one else can, but that's ok for now. Bryce just needs to take the approach he did yesterday - the Peyton Manning approach. Just go out there and play. Learn from your mistakes but let it rip and figure out what you can and cannot do in the NFL. The playcalling, protection and weapons will fix themselves - eventually - we hope. Control what he can control which is getting better as a QB. The pressure of trying to make a bad team win games isn't fair for a rookie.
  21. He would look a lot better. You know that. Would he look as good as Cam? Maybe not. Probably not. But there's no doubt he would look a lot more "NFL ready" than he does now.
  22. Shanahan alone makes a HUGE difference! Even the screens are different. Why does it seem like our screens require a guy to make a defender miss right away, while Deebo and CMC seem to have a Cadre of blockers in front of them on their screens? That's play design and timing. That's creating the matchups you want instead of guessing the defense. Completely different situations.
  23. Purdy is asked to make a couple of high caliber throws a game. And he usually makes them. Bryce is asked to make chicken salad out of chicken ish almost every time he drops back. And with virtually no run game to lean on, it's up to him to make the offense work.
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