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Everything posted by Navy_football

  1. I've been rewatching the yesterday's game on condensed version - the All 22 isn't out yet. I'm not that worried anymore. Bryce makes a lot of plays out of nothing and can make all the throws. He has plenty of zip when he wants to, and can fit tight windows. Unfortunately Thielen is really the only reliable receiver (hands) on the team. Bryce is still learning the speed of the game. When to put a little mustard on it and when to use touch. He can do both, just needs to figure out when to add a little to a pass based on coverage. What I came away with - Bozeman needs to be replaced. Most bad plays are a result of him getting demolished in protection. He rarely is able to step up in the pocket because of Bozeman getting bullrushed or just completely whiffing on the block. A lot of runs are getting blown up because he misses blocks. The playcalls aren't even that bad - they just get sabotaged by a guy that shouldn't even be starting at this piont. I'll watch more games later, but yesterday Bozeman was by far the biggest liability on the oline/offense and unfortunately he's probably the most important. Should be easy to replace him with a competent Center. This needs to happen ASAP.
  2. I never understood guys that seem to pile on with a sense of happiness when the team or certain players aren't performing well. Maybe to avoid disappointment, they just hope for the worse. Is that COPING?
  3. Man I hear ya. I think he has to take more deep shots. Running this type of offense, marching down the field 5-8 yards a play is not realistic for a rookie. That's for a seasoned vet, that's seen everything a defense has to throw at you. Bryce is seeing defensive looks he's never seen before, all while being rushed due to horrible protection and the pro game just being naturally faster. That's really tough to overcome this early in your career.
  4. Right. And please don't disregard your original point, I think Mingo has a lot of blame. But the QB has to ultimately take the hit on a pick like that . A tipped pass, one that bounces off the receivers hands, or a receiver falls down - that's not on the QB. Honestly, I loved those type of passes. If you work back to the ball, you could catch it and turn back in. It's such a natural play if you've been coached to do it. The DB will almost always be reaching back with an arm to try to tackle you. But, we have to stop drafting WRs based purely on measurables. I want a guy that will route you up and leave you grasping air. Guys that know how to play the position, not just big fast athletes - see Tank Dell. But need protection for a WR like that to work.
  5. No worries good sir. We're all frustrated with OUR team right now. Hopefully Bryce plays better when the oline is upgraded - assuming that will be priority #1 this offseason.
  6. I hear ya. I just think he's in a horrible situation and it's difficult to really get a gauge on who/what he is right now. You could be right. I don't know - yet. QBs make mistakes (young and old) when you make them uncomfortable on a play. Imagine being uncomfortable and unsure an entire game, because DBs are sitting on your routes, receivers can't really get separation, and most importantly your oline is getting you beaten to a pulp. All QBs will make mistakes with all that going on around them. Stroud was doing well today until ARI started to put a little pressure on him, then... not so much.
  7. Bro. Linville used a Josh Allen pass to compare how the throw should have been made. He even inserted a whole video. I just pointed out the differences in the route of the WR and the tenure of the players involved. I would never compare Bryce to Josh, as they are COMPLETELY different QB types. Stop being, whatever this is. It's unbecoming. A little outrageous actually.
  8. That's not the discussion here. Now you're just looking to win an argument. Ok. You win. Yep.
  9. Ok. I just remember the seeing ghosts statement. Thought that was applicable.
  10. Right. And I'm saying that's something you learn in time. I agree Bryce is ultimately to blame for the pick. Mingo played a part - he absolutely did. Mingo could have prevented it. Mingo could have prevented the pick six. But it's on Bryce. He has to keep it away from the DB - unless he can trust his WR to make a play on the ball. He can't trust Mingo like that yet. He can't.
  11. It's not irrelevant. You're comparing the throw/decision of a 6th year pro bowl QB to a rookie. All I'm asking you to do is think about how Josh Allen played his rookie year with those receivers. Not his 6th year with these weapons.
  12. Completely missing the point. Was Josh Allen making those throws his rookie year? Was he processing the game at a high level as a rookie? Or did he magicly get better when his receiving core improved? Sure the athleticism was always there, but there are a lot of great athletes that aren't great football players.
  13. Now this I agree with. He does need to put it on his receivers to make plays. That's their jobs. Put it where it's supposed to be and let them go get it. That's their job. His job is to put it there. Receivers want a chance to make plays too. A guy like TMJ might be better if you put him in jump ball situations because of his height.
  14. Sir, you just aged yourself with that reference. We could use the Hanson brothers on this offensive line.
  15. Bro? I'd be done. Like back to being a 49er fan - my team before we got a team in the Carolina's.
  16. Come on Linville... Remember Josh Allen's rookie season. And the receiver ran a great route to get the DB on his heels. And he caught the ball with his hands on the 25, which is where he started the out route. He started to drift and then came back to the ball.
  17. I know I was taught in college to always work back to the ball if possible. Always. Ran drills every day working on it. And always high point the ball with defenders around. Which meant you had to work back to the ball.
  18. A good Center would take alot of pressure off of Bryce too. Cam had the luxury of an all-pro level Center that could call/adjust the protection for him. The interior oline has to be the priority and should be easier to upgrade than Tackles. Bryce's height makes inside protection paramount. Remember that was Brees' kryptonite. Well heck, no QB can overcome interior and outside pressure on the same play. No where to escape or step up into the pocket.
  19. Yes. Although, I think the Tremble point is really not relevant. Bryce is playing with a short clock when he's in the pocket. He doesn't trust his protection. And all QBs miss a more-open-guy to throw to another open guy. Dak did it all game. Stroud did it today. Tom Brady did it. That's football. Every pass play has a progression. If #1 is open, you never make it to #2 or #3. Bryce needed to put it where only his receiver could get it. Mingo needed to run a better route and make a better play on the ball.
  20. The first order of business is to fix the oline. He should be able to make plays if he has time for the plays to actually develop. My man has a clock in has head right now. He knows he has limited time to get rid of the ball, or he'll be on his back. Once that's at a respectable level, then look for playmakers. If both can be done in one offseason, great. But, nothing is more important than protection.
  21. The pick was on Bryce. Bryce has to lead Mingo more - period. Throw it out of the reach of the DB and let your WR go get it. Great play by the DB though, he really closed on the ball - he's done it 3 other times this season. And yes, a little more velocity was warranted there. Mingo... you always work back to the ball if you can. That's the rule. Catch the ball at it's highest point and work back to the ball. Particularly, never run away from the ball on a crossing/comeback route, and definitely not against man coverage. And... become the DB when you have a threat of an interception. At least touch the guy when he's on the ground. Bryce has to take more deep shots too. Take them early and often. He's becoming predictable. It's like a basketball player that's afraid to shoot the ball and always passes instead. Eventually you start to play him for the pass instead of the shot. Did Strachan play today? Don't remember seeing him. Was looking for him.
  22. This should have been a run-heavy game. Go with what's working. That kid had 3 pick sixes already this season, and we out here testing him with our rookie QB/WR connection. Why? Run the damn ball!
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