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Everything posted by Navy_football

  1. Swing tackles and guys that can play both guards and/or center are gold! It isn't a matter of if, but when. Even if they don't ever start, guys will get dings during games that cause them to sit out plays or drives. All it takes is one bad olineman to blow a play up.
  2. The one thing this new regime has shown, is a willingness to part with underperformers or bad fits. If Bryce doesn't look more like a good NFL QB next season, barring injuries to him or key positions, I'm confident he'll be on the outs. Sooner rather than later. But I do think he gets a gimme on this past season. Like it or not, he was in one of the worst positions a rookie QB has ever experienced. From owner, to coaches, to supporting cast. It was a complete fiasco. Made for tv drama type crap going on behind the scenes. And there's a reason the entire interior oline is being replaced/revamped. There's a reason Dionte Johnson was brought in and they're looking for more help at the position. And they'll likely draft at least one more receiver, even if Williams is signed. Ickey probably only gets another season too. And he has enough arm. That was never an issue. Confidence - in himself, his receivers, and most importantly his protection played a role in him not letting it rip too often. But he showed plenty of zip on a lot of throws. And from some awkard angles. Saying he doesn't have a strong enough arm means there were NO throws that looked like legit NFL passes. And that's just not accurate. He will defintely need to improve on his deep ball accuracy too. That or take more shots. No one will remember the 2 you missed in the game, if you hit 2 others. Saw that with Stroud - alot. I guess labeling him a top 10 QB can be subjective. But if enough people say it, then it'll have to have some merit.
  3. Donte is a good CB, not a great one. But he is definitely a good CB. He is an absolute steal for $4.75M per season though. Just understand that he'll get hurt and miss a few plays every game (usually after he gives up a big play), but he's a willing tackler and fights to separate the ball from the receiver.
  4. Just matching the energies. Honestly, I wasn't even a Bryce guy. I wasn't a Stroud guy either to be fair. I didn't think the Panthers were ready to draft a QB last season. The roster was hot garbage, and I knew it wasn't ready for a rookie QB. My expectations were tempered last season. But I do think Bryce showed he was who we thought he was. He's actually way ahead of Stroud in a lot of ways (Stroud definitely has a stronger arm), but as a rookie, he looked bad A LOT due to all of the adversity. You would really have to look at the ALL 22 to see the details. It's almost impossible to see as a fan during the emotion of the game, and just wanting to see him make plays. I get that. But the ridiculously hot takes like he doesn't have an NFL arm, or he's too weak, or he's too slow, or he can't run, or he can't throw from the pocket, or he can't... Even when he did the thing they say he couldn't do, they still say he can't do it. Make that make sense. So far as supporting cast goes, I think he only needs NFL average to be successful. NFL average play book. NFL average playcalling. NFL average receivers. NFL average protection. Do you think the Panthers had NFL average in any of those areas? Of course not. But the expectation was that a rookie QB was gonna come in and somehow make everyone be above average. QB is the most dependent position on the field. One offensive lineman or RB can miss a block and ruin the play. One WR can run the wrong route or drop the ball (or fumble through the goal line). The OC and scheme can make the defense's job easy if it's basic and predictable. Unfortunately, there were way too many games where it was more than one guy missing blocks, dropping passes, and scheming bad plays with no plan.
  5. Some of you guys are gonna look real dumb when Bryce Young becomes a top 10 QB in the NFL by 2025. Spoiler: he'll only need NFL average receivers and linemen to get there. Bonus Spoiler: many of you have no idea what you're looking at and are as emotional as a 3 year old little girl that can't stop thinking about waffles.
  6. Yeah, I don't think this will be the type of offense that finds/creates mismatches. It'll be more "find the hole" in the defense and get the ball there as quickly as possible so the receiver can work his magic.
  7. In a conventional offense, I'd agree with having X types, Y types and Z types. But if Bryce is the "processor" he was sold to be, then he just needs guys that can a) get open, and b) catch the catchable pass. I'm of the opinion that guys that understand route concepts and coverages/leverages so they can adjust real time are better fits than guys that can out jump or out run the competition.
  8. Wow! Haven't had a off-season any where close to this since 2015.
  9. If a team offers 2 firsts and a second? You have to trade him. Only franchise QBs are worth that in today's NFL. Definitely a haul for a DT! And I love DB. Everything about him.
  10. Agree. A speedy, homerun hitter that can run zone read.
  11. Not sure what that's supposed to mean. But I assure you I'm nobody's snipe hunt gip. I'm from the south, but I'm not "country".
  12. Honestly, removing Burns almost guarantees it will be better. The pass rush will suffer a little. But the run defense will improve. Constantly out of position to set the edge and opening up running lanes.
  13. Oh, you're right. My bad! But he's definitely hunting with a bow made out of orange wood and mule tendons.
  14. I agree. I'm just not that impressed with him as a route runner or pure receiver type. He's more of a DJ Moore type. Nothing wrong with that - there's a place for the RBs split out wide, but has to be the right offense because you're mostly gonna have to scheme him to get him touches.
  15. All jokes aside, guys like this are the hardest workers in the building. They're just built different.
  16. Yep. Right after he brings in the chickens, slops the hogs, mine the corn fields for critters and feeds the hunting dogs. Oh, he going deer hunting later that night too.
  17. You really didn't even need to blitz. Just run some type of stunt. Doesn't matter which. And the entire oline was confused to the point of them drooling all over themselves. That's coaching gents. 100%.
  18. Might? Ain't no might. He's our best receiver the moment he walks into the building.
  19. Yeah. I think Miles is a good back. He's not a between the tackles runner. But he's elusive in space. Of course the Panthers tried to make him an inside runner. He also looked a lot more explosive after returning from the injury - hamstring I think.
  20. No way we were gonna get a 1st for a guy and they'd have to pay him $30M in his first season. Carolina would have had a Tee Higgins situation like Cincinnati. Them standing strong on multiple high picks is gonna screw them in the long run. Tee has already requested a trade. It's gonna get ugly.
  21. Man I had a honey baked turkey breast one Thanksgiving and would have sworn it was ham. My friend and I crushed it in a day. It was that good.
  22. I have high hopes that Canales will use him more on offense after watching film from last year. Right now, he should be #2. Likely 3rd option after the draft. Either way, Thielen will be where he's best served. Thielen would be a GREAT 3rd or 4th option. He'd destroy the 3rd CB/Nickel or safety trying to cover him.
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