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Everything posted by Navy_football

  1. Agree. Bryce is playing very bad now. This team isn't good enough to overcome his mistakes. I just don't agree that he needs perfect oline play. He didn't get that last week and looked alot better. No QB except maybe Lamar could withstand this current pass rush. The Cowboys are just teeing off now with all the momentum.
  2. Evero could learn something from the Cowboys about being aggressive on 1st down and 3rd and long.
  3. I don't agree. His mistakes aren't because of the oline. Lamar Jackson is the only player that could overcome these oline breakdowns.
  4. Ejero is calling a conservative game. He's the only person watching the game that doesn't realize he doesn't have the players to pull it off. Guys are getting beat deep in soft zone. Wow
  5. No worries gents. As long as we're within one score in the last 2 minutes, Bryce will score.
  6. I want to be mad at Bryce, but damn you can't get beat that fast. Either way, secure the ball QB9!
  7. I'm just happy the Panthers made a big plays. I'm sorry if it offends you bro. Stay you.
  8. You'll be attending games next year. Speaking it into existence now. God has you brother.
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