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Everything posted by Navy_football

  1. Very under rated receiving corp. Playmakers all over the field.
  2. I don't think so. McD and Rivera know they have to pay attention to personnel when they man up now. With that drive, the D has had plenty of time to adjust the game plan.
  3. Was that man? If so, you can never ever put a safety on D. Jackson. That's just bad recognization. Should have checked out of that.
  4. Very under rated receiving corp. Playmakers all over the field.
  5. Bush League. Stewart is in the endzone and you take out his knee? I thought there was a brotherhood among players. That could end someone's career and it's not even a tackle.
  6. A little concerned about next week. The Skins just curb stomped the Saints. Ran all over them. Passed all over them. Dominated the game.
  7. You can't stop that. Impossible! 1 yard or less with Cam is automatic.
  8. Tolbert shouldn't have bounced that outside. The oline push was there for a yard. But, why not just let Cam punch that in? #baffledbythatplaycall
  9. Every route doesn't have to be 15-20 yards downfield.
  10. Well, he is a second round draft pick! It's about dang time.
  11. Yeah but you don't go up with two hands. You sky with one hand to knock it down.
  12. Selfish play by Norman. It's 4th down, just knock it down.
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