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Everything posted by Navy_football

  1. And just remember that Bryce's best game was when his #1 receiver made plays that 95% of #1 receivers would make 95% of the time. Though I'm pretty sure he had a few drops early in that game too. The receiving Corp was a collection of 3s and 4s that no defense respected or feared as threats. Couple that with an oline that went on long streaks of horrible play with a couple of decent moments sprinkled in here and there, and not sure what I should/could have expected from the QB. He's not the type of athlete to force his will. He seems like the type of QB that takes what you give him. Brees was essentially that guy too. But he did it at a very high level and he had a playcaller that could scheme his butt off. Bad human being but a great play caller/schemer.
  2. That is a perfectly acceptable stance for you. It really is. I just think the QB position relies on others to be successful. He can't do anything without someone else. He needs WRs to get open, the oline to protect him, and a playcaller to keep the defense guessing/scheme receivers open. Bryce isn't a Cam or Lamar that can win a game solely with their legs. He is what they thought he was. A point guard. I don't think he needs a team of pro bowlers, but he does need NFL average everywhere to be successful. I will say he's a lot more elusive than I thought he was. I think his ceiling is a high end game manager.
  3. Not a believer in anyone on this offense. Maybe Chuba. Maybe Marsette as a playmaker, but don't know if he can play wide receiver due to a lack of reps. As far as Bryce goes, he gets an incomplete in my book. A rookie at the hardest and most dependent position, with a supporting cast that is well below league average. He was set up to fail. Is he great? I seriously doubt it. Can he be good enough to win the NFCS? Don't know.
  4. I don't think you understand how it works. Defense has no fear of these WRs. I could be out there throwing to Tyreke Hill and I promise you they'd have help over the top.
  5. Why is Marsette not in the game? He needs Mingos reps.
  6. Ya'll so goofy. Mahomes has an unconventional drop back and he hops too. So I guess he needs to clean all that up too, huh? Bryce gets beat the F up every game. The one game he didn't get beat up (well, after they replaced Jensen), he passed for 300 yards and 2 TDs with no turnovers. He definitely needs to improve on his decision making and coming off of covered receivers sooner, but let's not act like the playcalling is superior. I think Thompson can be good, but he's a brand new playcaller! He needs time before he gets there, particularly with an oline that can't hold and receivers that can't get consistent separation - or catch the ball consistently. Marsette needs to take Mingo's reps. Period. Bryce Young needs to step up on the chances he gets. Agree. Yes. But... if you get you're getting your tail blown up all game, it's hard to sit in the pocket and step into throws. Ya'll aren't being realistic. The dude is not a machine. Those hits don't feel good, but he's supposed to assume the oline will hold on every play? Nah, stop the cap. If any one of ya'll we're getting your ish pushed in the way he does every game, I promise you, you'd have happy feet and look to escape the pocket at the first sign of a break down. I don't give a F what your charts say. Last Sunday was not NFL average protection. Not even close.
  7. There's been a lot of shuffling at the OG positions. That has made a huge difference in the way the offense can run. Judging by last week, they may have finally found a combination that makes protection at least NFL average. Thomas looks more willing to call plays downfield and BY looks more willing to take shots. That was the cause of a lot of the Panthers issues - at least offensively.
  8. Jags like to run off tackle. Panthers starting DEs, particularly Burns, are inconsistent setting the edge. That's gonna make for a long day. The way Jones just ran all over this defense, Etienne is gonna feast. And he's a better receiving back. Evero has his work cut out for him. He's really gonna have to mix things up - with personnel and alignment. He tried against Green Bay, but it didn't really work. Not sure what can be done. Maybe a spy that isn't a pure LB. Chinn maybe. I don't know. This one is gonna be tough. Panthers will probably have to score alot to stay in this one.
  9. Imagine if they had let Jensen stay in the game. Everyone would still be trashing Bryce Young on how he has a noodle arm and can't read defenses. Meanwhile he's running from DTs and LBs as soon as he completes his dropback, or best case he can't step into a throw because of a dirty pocket. Or he'll never be able to play in the NFL because of how bad his footwork is - and it's 100% uncorrectable. And no one would realize that Chark could actually get open and make plays if given more than 2 seconds before his QB had to bail on the play.
  10. Really hate it that our new QB will have to learn yet another offense in his 2nd year in the NFL. That, along with some major changes in personnel is not how you help a young player. Consistency is extremely important to young guys learning the game at the highest level.
  11. Receivers didn't get good all of a sudden. Thomas is using guys like they SHOULD be used and not just forcing concepts, like Chark being a deep route guy. He isn't that right now. And whoever is making the personnel decisions... where have you been? The improved protection is making the QB and the receivers look light years better. And no idea why Marsette wasn't getting burn. We all could see it, but Reich couldn't. He needs to be a key cog in the offense. Easily the best playmaker on the team.
  12. Thinking the same thing. Maybe just wanted to take advantage of the penalty - 1 yard? That's all I got.
  13. That's 100% on the receiver/TE that fell down. That's a completion if he doesn't fall.
  14. Could have used one of those 1st rounders unstead of trading DJ Moore to the Bears. DJ Moore would be infinitely more important to this team than Burns right now. And then could have used that 2nd rounder on an Edge, TE or IOL instead of trying to replace DJ Moore with Mingo.
  15. Just to be clear, did he show adequate arm strength? Has he dispelled the noodle arm title or no?
  16. Admittedly didn't watch every play. Did BY answer the arm strength questions today or are we sure he still doesn't have an NFL arm?
  17. I really think he needs to get more targets in the passing game. Really think he'd be the best deep threat on the team. And YAC. Potentially making him the best receiver on the team.
  18. No one knows what this young man will turn into as a pro. But wow, he's supposed to complete every pass? Has a QB ever gone 35 for 35?
  19. Are people complaining about Bryce today? Really? Y'all are liars. You said you were rooting for him to turn the corner. You said you'd be happy if he showed anything to give you hope that he could lead the offense and be our franchise QB. Now you're finding every reason to minimize his best performance. Ridiculous...
  20. I know hindsight is 20/20 or 50/50 or something like that, but not trading Burns last year cost the Panthers the #1 pick in the 2024 draft. That's enough by itself. But earning the #1 pick with his roster and then losing it for a situational pass rusher...
  21. I don't know. He made some plays Sunday, but getting sealed by a WR for a TD is almost unforgivable for a DE.
  22. Not that anyone really cares, but here's my take... Bryce is leaving a LOT of plays on the field. No doubt. Guys are open now that Zavala and whoever the other Guard was, are out of the game. Now he's hesitating due to a lack of confidence. He's forcing throws when other guys are open. He's lost his swag. That's tough for a QB. Confidence and trust are everything. That doesn't mean you should cheer for him to fail. Like it or not, he'll be the starting QB for Carolina until at least the first half of next season. At LEAST. If he doesn't get better then we have to watch a crap show offense every week. Just feels like some would rather be right about him being the wrong pick, than watching the team have success. It's ok to say he made a good play when he makes a good play. Just like it's ok to say he screwed up when he does. No need to spin everything to fit your negative objective. I didn't want a QB in the draft. Honestly didn't think any of them were worth a top 10 pick let alone what we gave up to get to #1. I still don't. But now that he's a Panther, Bryce is our guy - at least for now. Maybe I'm just hopelessly loyal. But I don't think it's a bad thing to want your guy to have success, even when he's playing his worst. I can acknowledge the guy's mistakes, but some of these takes are ridiculous. Bordering on blind hate. I come here to have meaning conversations about the team and what's going on behind the scenes - that the general public may not know or report. Hard to come in here when every post is a bashing of the same player - over and over and over and over... again.
  23. I love Devito's fire. Not sure he can last an entire season with that style of play, but for now it's fun to watch.
  24. To the OP's point and thread title, many of these points are absurd. This is eerily familiar to the Cam hate in the past. I don't know. Just weird.
  25. Honestly don't think Stroud would fair much better here than Bryce Young. Maybe he'd have better accuracy on the deep balls, but with these receivers it is not a guarantee. He has struggled mightily since Tank went down and he has much better pass protection.
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