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Everything posted by RelaxImaPro

  1. Someone asked why we don’t run Bryce… lol because he’s got the height of Steve Smith and the body of Mike Glennon. That’s why.
  2. “Super processor” Young bout to have to process this loss
  3. Remember way back in the first couple minutes of the 1st quarter we looked kinda decent this season for a little bit
  4. And yeah, Cam’s arm looked fine. Looked the best it’s looked since 2017 to me honestly.
  5. Cutting him was a massive bone-headed decision that made next to zero sense then and makes even less fuging sense now. I’d be having a nice little talk with Rhule if I were Tepper right about now. Ask him what exactly his plan is, if he even has one.
  6. Thanks for deciding the game there refs, fuging cocksuckers
  7. Refs decide to start calling holding on the most important drive of the game lol
  8. It’s about time for Heineke to fumble or throw a pick
  9. Jesus I didn't think we'd ever see that again.... poo is crazy SUPER CAAAAAM
  10. have the skins been called for ANYTHING today other than that horsecollar which saved a TD?
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