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Everything posted by RelaxImaPro

  1. I rewatched that game, along with the All-22 not too long ago... Cam played a pretty damn solid overall game, but that INT against Sherman, and the pick 6 against Kam were two REALLY big fug ups on his part. Yeah, everyone can bitch about Bersin being the first read and whatever else, but the fact is he had two wide open targets on both those plays. KB was wide open for about a 20 yard gain on that Sherman INT, and someone (can't remember who exactly) was wide open on that pick 6 just within arm's reach of a first down. There were a lot of times where Ed Dickson was open for a big play too that we didn't capitalize on IIRC. Other than that though, he played pretty damn good everything else considered... Seattle just absolutely punished us for every mistake we did make that day.
  2. Dan Morgan is probably already trying to convince the Seattle brass to dump Wilson and go after Vick.
  3. Man, I remember how hyped I was for the 2012 season after that 2011 one they did. Apparently Kalil was too... taking out the fuging front page ad out for a Super Bowl guarantee.
  4. Lol I just don't get why he scoffs at a deal similar to Cam and Ryan's contracts. That would be a good deal for both sides. Even more so for him, because he gets a nice big contract that shows the team is committing to him, all the while staying on a loaded team that has their other key guys locked up as well. He legitimately wants somewhere in the $25+ million range... which would be fuging absurd for him. And fug Irvin, the sooner they get rid of him the better - unless he goes to somewhere in the division. That SOB always has our number every time we play them.
  5. Ah yes, the great JaMarcus Hustle How fuging awesome and hilarious would it be if that was what killed the Seahawks. A JaWalrus 2.0 situation. Russ coming into the season fuged up on purple drank, talking about how God told him to lead his drug dealers to prosperity or some poo
  6. That's why he wants all that money He's about to JaWalrus Russell their asses
  7. I really don't like the precedent this little fuger is trying to set either. Sure, it's funny to laugh at the Hawks for now, but this baseball type negotiation bullshit needs to stay in baseball.
  8. Lol I liked this quote So, Wilson doesn't want to leave the Hawks... he just wants "free agent type money" AKA Raider type money, all the while he still gets to stay on by far the best team in football. This dude is a straight up clown. Can't have your cake and eat it too, Russ.
  9. Sorry. I respect your opinion, but that's just false. I've seen Cam take over games multiple times in his career, and when I say take over, I mean him becoming a literal one man offense. Meaning, he absolutely has the ability to do so. Hell, even in basketball , just because you take over a game doesn't mean you're going to win despite star players having much more influence in individually winning games. Look at LeBron. Look at Jordan's 63 against the Celtics. Now notice I didn't say he takes over games and we get away with the win. There's been multiple times (actually most the time... because no player can single-handedly win a football game. None at all) where we still lost, even with Cam doing nearly everything you could possibly ask your QB to do - mainly his first 2 seasons. Breaking would be sacks behind the line, converting impossible looking 3rd downs to keep a drive alive, being the entire running game, methodical long drives to keep the defense and special teams off the field, and he's had his moments where he can look like an absolute surgeon. When he's doing all that in succession, there's not much of an answer for him. As good as Ryan, and even Brees, are... they simply can't threaten an entire defense in the same way. When a traditional QB's line, running game, and receivers are all failing him in a game, they're screwed. Cam still has the ability to make chicken salad out of chicken poo on occasion. I also wasn't limiting it to just the past two seasons (one of which he was hobbled as fug most the year). I'll admit he's been asked to do less in the offense for the most part the last two seasons due to us investing so heavily in the defensive side, but hell, even in 2013 when we had that great defense, he still had his moments. It definitely isn't the best example from his career, but the Patriots MNF game is one instance from the 2013 season. If you just look at the stats, you wouldn't agree, but you had to watch the game. It wasn't a high-scoring game, but that's because both teams played the exact same style of long methodical scoring drive offense. It was a low-scoring (24-20) shootout. Nearly every drive in that game was a scoring drive... just long as hell scoring drives. Brady and Cam went nearly the entire 2nd half without an incompletion IIRC.
  10. Fixed that for you. He's had his rough times and stretches, but I've lost count how many times I've seen Cam be about the only player on the whole damn team that would be out there playing worth a damn. Times where the defense would get gashed, running game getting stuff, o-line getting blown up, receivers not getting open or dropping passes... and Cam would shrug off would be tackler after would be tackler, or just straight up break their ankles or run over them to keep a drive alive just to give the team life. Either that, or at times rifle in one of the most gorgeous 30+ yard bullets you'll ever see that'll go right in between two defenders and hit the receiver right in the fold of the arm to minimize a drop. He can be inconsistent as poo, but when he's actually on... I don't know if there's another player in the league that can take over a game like he can. He, as an individual player, can single-handedly break a defense when he's on point. I mean, hell, it's pretty much what he did on a regular basis at Auburn.
  11. Lol my thread on reddit got taken down in like 30 seconds. Those mods are fuging jokes over there. But nooo, it's completely cool when someone posts poo about Cam that's meant to rile everyone up.
  12. Just posted this on reddit just to see how fast it gets taken down. You can't talk bad about the goldenboy there.
  13. These chicks are about to get shitfaced drunk tonight. Hell, one of em already looked buzzed.
  14. Lebron's standard is so ridiculously high that anything less than greatness night in and night out brings out the haters. And even after the great performances they still find something to nitpick or bitch about.
  15. If the Cavs win this with no Kyrie or no Love... then for LeBron this will hands down be one of the single greatest accomplishments in the history of the NBA. Maybe the greatest. Losing your 2nd and 3rd best players - two All-Stars - and still making it to the Finals, and even win a Finals game (almost fuging 2-0 up on them) against a fully healthy Warriors team, at the toughest place to play, against one of the greatest teams statistically of all time... Dude is leaving it all on the floor right now. He's averaging 41.5/12/8.5 in these first two games. And lol at the fuging irony of Kobe fans talking poo about someone going 11/34. Guess what his statline was with that 11/34? 39, 16, and fuging 11. He's doing everything on offense right now while letting all the other guys go hard on defense... while still defending his ass off as well. He's literally playing PG, SF, SG, and PF all in one right now.
  16. Fug. No. Punting, punt/kick coverage, and punt/kick returns are the most underrated parts of football. poo can win or lose you games. You don't really take notice of all those extra yards of field position you're gaining or losing, but it definitely matters. In a game of inches maybe one return or poor punt was enough to get you or your opponent in range for that FG that was the difference in the game. Then, like MHS said, there's the fact that it would completely eliminate onside kicks... one of the most nerve-wracking and intense situations in the game. Want a reminder of how important a punter can be? Go re watch our 2013 rain game against the Saints. Nortman fuging killed that poo. He literally took control of that game from the fuging punter position after our offense was inept all day... constantly pinning the Saints way back and flipping field position, while our defense was straight feasting. On the flip side, go re watch our Wildcard game against the Cardinals this past season for what poo punting gets you. About a free 40 yards to start your drive. Getting rid of a part of the game as huge as that would be so fuging stupid.
  17. This sum bitch better have a panther tattooed on both of his ass cheeks or something
  18. Frank has the fleur de lis (Saints logo) tattooed on both sides of his collar bone Mother fuger
  19. Lol, what? It's a big IF, but IF his career does play out in best case scenario and he reaches his full potential... yes, he's surpassing those guys too. There's never been a quarterback in history as physically gifted as he is.
  20. ​For whatever reason, it's not there for me. That's the reason I asked, because I spent a good while looking for it earlier.
  21. ​I think you might be write.
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